

Simplified calculation of Reynolds Number for flow through pipes or orifices; using the mass flow rate m_flow instead of the velocity v to express inertial forces.
  Re = |m_flow|*diameter/A/μ
  m_flow = v*ρ*A
See also Pipes.BaseClasses.CharacteristicNumbers.ReynoldsNumber.


function ReynoldsNumber_m_flow
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu "Dynamic viscosity";
  input SI.Length D "Characteristic dimension (hydraulic diameter of pipes or orifices)";
  input SI.Area A = Modelica.Constants.pi / 4 * D * D "Cross sectional area of fluid flow";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number";
end ReynoldsNumber_m_flow;

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