
Generate a clock signal when the Boolean input changes from false to true


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This component generates a clock signal triggered by a continuous-time Boolean input signal u: Whenever the Boolean input signal u changes from false to true, then the output clock signal y ticks.

For an introduction to clocks see UsersGuide.Clocks.

If a clock is associated to a clocked continuous-time partition, then an integrator has to be defined that is used to integrate the partition from the previous to the current clock tick. This is performed by setting parameter useSolver = true and defining the integration method as String with parameter solver. Both parameters are in tab Advanced. For an example, see Examples.Systems.ControlledMixingUnit.

Parameters (2)


Value: false

Type: Boolean

Description: = true, if solverMethod shall be explicitly defined


Value: "ExplicitEuler"

Type: SolverMethod

Description: Integration method used for discretized continuous-time partitions

Connectors (2)


Type: ClockOutput


Type: BooleanInput

Used in Components (2)



Event clock generating a clock tick each time an observed input angle changed for a rotational-interval given as variable input



Logical clock combining arbitrary many input clock signals according to a replaceable logical combinator