
Version 0.92.1 (March 11, 2016)


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Version 0.92.1 is backward compatible to version 0.92

This version uses package Modelica 3.2.2.

Changes with respect to version 0.92:

  • RealSignals.Sampler: Removed wrong double declaration of u and y (was present due to extends and due to explicit declaration)
  • Invalid links in documentation fixed (#1341)
  • BooleanSignals.TickBasedSources.Pulse wrong unit fixed (#1889)
  • Missing useClock parameter in RealSignals.Sampler.AssignClock fixed (#1919)
  • Set Evaluate=true to clock parameters of {Real,Integer,Boolean}Signals.Sampler.{Shift,Back}Sample(OpenModelica Ticket 3717)