


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Simple model of a sin-cos-resolver, i.e. sensing the angle of the flange phi (w.r.t. the optional support) and multiplied by p, providing 4 signals:

  • y[1] = offset + amplitude*cos(p*(phi - phi0))
  • y[2] = offset - amplitude*cos(p*(phi - phi0))
  • y[3] = offset + amplitude*sin(p*(phi - phi0))
  • y[4] = offset - amplitude*sin(p*(phi - phi0))

Thus the sine and cosine signals have p periods per mechanical revolution. Adding an offset > amplitude, the loss of one track can be determined. Subtracting the negated signal from the signal, the offset is removed and a cosine and a sine with doubled amplitude are accessible. From this signal, the angle within one pole pair of a machine can be determined for field oriented control. Block SinCosEvaluation can be used.

This model can be used to export FMUs of drives to develop control strategies in other environments. When switching to a real drive, the same inputs as from the FMU can be used.

Note that phi0 has to be set that way, that in shaft position phi0 the flux linkage of phase 1 is a maximum. In order to sense the mechanical angle of the shaft p = 1 has to be set.

Parameters (5)


Value: false

Type: Boolean

Description: = true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded



Type: Integer

Description: Number of pole pairs


Value: 1

Type: Real

Description: Amplitude of signals


Value: 1.5

Type: Real

Description: Offset of signals


Value: -pi / p

Type: Angle (rad)

Description: Initial mechanical angle

Connectors (3)


Type: Flange_b

Description: Flange of shaft


Type: Support

Description: Support/housing of component


Type: RealOutput[4]

Description: Track signals

Used in Examples (1)



Test example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousMachine fed by FOC