
Functions for space phasor transformation

Package Contents


Conversion from polyphase input to space phasor and zero sequence component


Conversion from space phasor and zero sequence component to polyphase


Rotates space phasor


Converts a space phasor to polar coordinates


Converts a space phasor from polar coordinates


Calculate quasi-RMS value of input


Calculate active power of voltage and current input


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This package contains space phasor transformation functions for use in calculations:
  • ToSpacePhasor: transforms a set of three-phase values to space phasor and zero sequence system
  • FromSpacePhasor: transforms a space phasor and zero sequence system to a set of three-phase values
  • Rotator: rotates a space phasor (from one coordinate system into another)
  • ToPolar: Converts a space phasor from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
  • FromPolar: Converts a space phasor from polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates

Space phasors are defined as vectors of length = 2, the first element representing the real part and the second element representing the imaginary part of the space phasor.