
Library with models for connecting thermal models

Package Contents

LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 (1/K)

Linear temperature coefficient with choices


Material Constants


Converts alpha from temperature 1 (default 20 degC) to temperature 2


Converts resistance from reference temperature to an actual temperature


Converts a value (e.g. resistance) from reference temperature to an actual temperature


Thermal parts of induction machines


Thermal parts of synchronous machines


Thermal parts of DC machines


Thermal ambient for transformers


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Thermal concept

Each machine model is equipped with a machine-specific conditional thermalPort. If useThermalPort == false, a machine-specific thermal ambience prescribing constant temperatures is used inside the machine. If useThermalPort == true, a thermal model or machine-specific thermal ambience prescribing the temperatures has to be connected from outside. On the other hand, all losses are dissipated to this internal or external thermal ambience.

The machine specific thermal connector contains heatPorts for all relevant loss sources of the machine type, although some of the loss sources are not yet implemented; these heatPorts are left unconnected inside the machine, i.e., the HeatFlowRate is zero, but they have to be connected to a constant temperature source in the internal or external thermal ambience. Simple machine-specific thermal ambience for constant temperatures (useTemperatureInputs == false) or temperatures prescribed via signal inputs (useTemperatureInputs == true) are provided in this package.

Loss sources

Up to now, only Ohmic losses in stator and rotor windings are implemented. They are modeled as linearly temperature dependent resistors:

ROperational = RRef * (1 + alphaRef * (TOperational - TRef))
  • Resistance RRef at reference temperature
  • Reference temperature TRef
  • Linear temperature coefficient alpha20 at 20°C
  • Operational temperature TOperational (if useThermalPort == false; otherwise, the operational temperature is provided via the heatPort)
  • Nominal temperature TNominal (required for DC machines to calculate the turns ratio)

The linear temperature coefficient alpha20 at 20°C = 293.15 K has to be converted to reference temperature TRef:

alphaRef = -------------------------------
            1 + alpha20 * (TRef - 293.15)

For this reason, the function convertAlpha is provided. In sub-package Constants linear temperature coefficients at 20°C for commonly used materials are defined.

Backwards compatibility

  • The default / start values of all resistances are left unchanged.
  • The default / start values of all reference temperatures are set to 20°C.
  • The default / start values of all linear temperature coefficients are set to 0.
  • The default / start values of all operational temperatures are set to 20°C.
  • The default / start values of all nominal temperatures are set to 20°C.

Machine specific thermalPorts

Induction machine with squirrel cage
  • heatPortStatorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 stator phases
  • heatPortRotorWinding: heatPort for the rotor cage
  • heatPortStatorCore: stator core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortRotorCore: rotor core losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
Induction machine with slipring rotor
  • heatPortStatorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 stator phases
  • heatPortRotorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 rotor phases
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStatorCore: stator core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortRotorCore: rotor core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
Synchronous machine with permanent magnets
  • heatPortStatorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 stator phases
  • heatPortRotorWinding: conditional (useDamperCage=true/false) heatPort for the damper cage
  • heatPortPermanentMagnet: permanent magnet losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStatorCore: stator core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortRotorCore: rotor core losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
Synchronous machine with electrical excitation
  • heatPortStatorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 stator phases
  • heatPortRotorWinding: conditional (useDamperCage=true/false) heatPort for the damper cage
  • heatPortExcitation: electrical excitation
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses
  • heatPortStatorCore: stator core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortRotorCore: rotor core losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
Synchronous machine with reluctance rotor
  • heatPortStatorWinding[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 stator phases
  • heatPortRotorWinding: conditional (useDamperCage=true/false) heatPort for the damper cage
  • heatPortStatorCore: stator core losses (not yet fully implemented)
  • heatPortRotorCore: rotor core losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
DC machine with permanent magnets
  • heatPortArmature: armature losses
  • heatPortPermanentMagnet: permanent magnet losses (not yet connected/implemented)
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses
  • heatPortCore: armature core losses
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
DC machine with electrical (shunt) excitation
  • heatPortArmature: armature losses
  • heatPortExcitation: electrical (shunt) excitation
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses
  • heatPortCore: armature core losses
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
DC machine with serial excitation
  • heatPortArmature: armature losses
  • heatPortSeriesExcitation: electrical series excitation
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses
  • heatPortCore: armature core losses
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
DC machine with compound excitation (not yet implemented)
  • heatPortArmature: armature losses
  • heatPortShuntExcitation: electrical (shunt) excitation
  • heatPortSeriesExcitation: electrical series excitation
  • heatPortBrush: brush losses
  • heatPortCore: armature core losses
  • heatPortStrayLoad: stray load losses
  • heatPortFriction: friction losses
  • heatPort1[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 primary phases
  • heatPort2[m]: m=3 heatPorts for the m=3 secondary phases
  • heatPortCore: iron core losses (not yet connected/implemented)