

Package Contents


Introduction to phasors


AC circuit


Real and reactive power


Reference system


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

The Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStatic library addresses the analysis of electrical circuits with purely sinusoidal voltages and currents. The main characteristics of the library are:

  • Only pure sinusoidal voltages and currents are taken into account. Higher harmonic voltages and currents are not considered.
  • Any electrical transient effects are neglected.
  • The electrical components of this library are strictly linear.
  • The angular frequency omega of the voltages and currents of a circuit are determined from a reference angle gamma by means of omega = der(gamma).
  • The reference angle gamma is not a global quantity since it propagated through the connector. Therefore, independent circuits of different frequencies can be modeled in one model.
  • The connectors contain the real and the imaginary part of the voltage and the current RMS phasors

The main intention of this library is the modeling of quasi-static behavior of single-phase and polyphase AC circuits with fixed and variable frequency. Quasi-static theory and applications can be found in [Dorf1993], [Burton1994], [Landolt1936], [Philippow1967], [Weyh1967], [Vaske1973].


A general electrical circuit can be a DC circuit, an AC circuit with periodic sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal voltages and currents or a transient circuit without particular waveform of voltages and currents. Therefore a coupling model between a quasi-static circuit and a general (transient) electrical circuit has to be designed carefully taking the specific application into account. As an example, you may look at the ideal AC DC converter, which is used in the rectifier example.