
Two inverters with MOS models defined by inheritance



This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

An inverter is an electrical circuit that consists of a PMOS and a NMOS. Its task is to turn the input voltage from high potential to low potential or the other way round. This circuit InverterExtendedModel contains two inverters. The input voltage of the first inverter is nearly equal to the output voltage of the second inverter. Capacities cause some differences.

To see the typical behavior of the circuit the input voltages and the output voltages should be plotted. Besides that it can be interesting to watch the output voltage of the first inverter. Simulated until t=5s.

Input voltages: vin.p.v and v.p.v

Output voltage of the first inverter: mn1.D.v

Output voltage of the second Inverter: mn2.D.v

This example shows one possibility to make the record of the technology parameters available for more than one transistor. For each set of technology parameters an apart model has to be defined (in this example: MPmos and MNmos). Inside the model definition the technology parameters are appointed (Spice3.Semiconductors.modelcardMOS M(GAMMA=0.37, LAMBDA=0.02)). Every model extends a transistor. In this process the required technology parameters are specified (extends Spice3.Repository.MOS(final mtype=1, modelcard=M). To make transistors available in the circuit instances of the defined models are applied (MPmos mp1; MNmos mn1; MPmos mp2; MNmos mn2;).

Components (9)


Type: Ground


Type: MPmos


Type: MNmos


Type: MPmos


Type: MNmos


Type: C_Capacitor


Type: C_Capacitor


Type: V_pulse


Type: V_pulse