
Use of Semiconductors


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Within the semiconductor devices SPICE3 differentiates between technology parameters and device parameters. Device parameters can be chosen for every single model instance, e.g., the channel length of a transistor. Technology parameters which are specified in a model card (.model) are adjustable for more than one element simultaneously, e.g. the type of transistors. As usually done in Modelica the parameters of the modelcard can be set in a parameter list.

To parametrize more than one model two ways are possible:

  1. Apart record:
    For each transistor in the circuit a record with the technology parameters is made available as an instance of the record modelcardMOS. In the example
    "inverterApartRecord" this way is explained more in detail.
  2. Extended model:
    For each set of technology parameters a apart model has to be defined. In the example "inverterExtendedModel" this way is explained more in detail.