
Generic pressure loss | calculate mass flow rate | nominal operation point | pressure loss law (coefficient and exponent) | density dependence


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Calculation of a generic pressure loss in dependence of nominal fluid variables (e.g., nominal density) via interpolation from an operation point. This generic function considers the pressure loss law via a nominal pressure loss (dp_nom), a pressure loss coefficient (zeta_TOT) and a pressure loss law exponent (exp) as well as the influence of density on pressure loss.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_nominalPressurelosslawDensity_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case, where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.


M_FLOW = dp_nominalPressureLossLawDensity_MFLOW(IN_con, IN_var, dp)

Inputs (3)


Type: dp_nominalPressureLossLawDensity_IN_con

Description: Input record for function dp_nominalPressureLossLawDensity_MFLOW


Type: dp_nominalPressureLossLawDensity_IN_var

Description: Input record for function dp_nominalPressureLossLawDensity_MFLOW


Type: Pressure (Pa)

Description: Pressure loss

Outputs (1)


Type: MassFlowRate (kg/s)

Description: Output for function dp_nominalPressurelosslawDensity_MFLOW