
Pressure loss of valve | calculate pressure loss | several geometries | overall flow regime


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Calculation of pressure loss for a valve with different geometries at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow in dependence of its opening.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case, where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_severalGeometryOverall_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.


DP = dp_severalGeometryOverall_DP(IN_con, IN_var, m_flow)

Inputs (3)


Type: dp_severalGeometryOverall_IN_con

Description: Input record for function dp_severalGeometryOverall_DP


Type: dp_severalGeometryOverall_IN_var

Description: Input record for function dp_severalGeometryOverall_DP


Type: MassFlowRate (kg/s)

Description: Mass flow rate

Outputs (1)


Type: Pressure (Pa)

Description: Pressure loss