
Return the constraint residues to express that two frames have the same orientation


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.


residue = Orientation.equalityConstraint(R1, R2);


The function call Orientation.equalityConstrain(R1,R2) returns the Real residue vector with 3 elements. This vector has zero elements if orientation objects R1 and R2 are identical (= describe the same orientation). The residue vector is determined by computing the relative orientation object between R1 and R2 and using the outer-diagonal elements of this matrix to formulate the residue in such a way that only identical orientation objects lead to a zero residue vector.


residue = equalityConstraint(R1, R2)

Inputs (2)


Type: Orientation

Description: Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 1


Type: Orientation

Description: Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 2

Outputs (1)


Type: Real[3]

Description: The rotation angles around x-, y-, and z-axis of frame 1 to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 for a small rotation (should be zero)