
Approximation of a general step, such that the characteristic is continuous and differentiable


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This function is used to approximate the equation

y = if x > 0 then y1 else y2;

by a smooth characteristic, so that the expression is continuous and differentiable:

y = smooth(1, if x >  x_small then y1 else
              if x < -x_small then y2 else f(y1, y2));

In the region -x_small < x < x_small a 2nd order polynomial is used for a smooth transition from y1 to y2.

If mass fractions X[:] are approximated with this function then this can be performed for all nX mass fractions, instead of applying it for nX-1 mass fractions and computing the last one by the mass fraction constraint sum(X)=1. The reason is that the approximating function has the property that sum(X) = 1, provided sum(X_a) = sum(X_b) = 1 (and y1=X_a[i], y2=X_b[i]). This can be shown by evaluating the approximating function in the abs(x) < x_small region (otherwise X is either X_a or X_b):

X[1]  = smoothStep(x, X_a[1] , X_b[1] , x_small);
X[2]  = smoothStep(x, X_a[2] , X_b[2] , x_small);
X[nX] = smoothStep(x, X_a[nX], X_b[nX], x_small);


X[1]  = c*(X_a[1]  - X_b[1])  + (X_a[1]  + X_b[1])/2
X[2]  = c*(X_a[2]  - X_b[2])  + (X_a[2]  + X_b[2])/2;
X[nX] = c*(X_a[nX] - X_b[nX]) + (X_a[nX] + X_b[nX])/2;
c     = (x/x_small)*((x/x_small)^2 - 3)/4

Summing all mass fractions together results in

sum(X) = c*(sum(X_a) - sum(X_b)) + (sum(X_a) + sum(X_b))/2
       = c*(1 - 1) + (1 + 1)/2
       = 1


y = smoothStep(x, y1, y2, x_small)

Inputs (4)


Type: Real

Description: Abscissa value


Type: Real

Description: Ordinate value for x > 0


Type: Real

Description: Ordinate value for x < 0


Default Value: 1e-5

Type: Real

Description: Approximation of step for -x_small <= x <= x_small; x_small > 0 required

Outputs (1)


Type: Real

Description: Ordinate value to approximate y = if x > 0 then y1 else y2