
Functions for calculating the isentropic enthalpy from pressure p and specific entropy s

Package Contents


Intermediate function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 1


Special function for specific enthalpy and specific entropy in region 1


Function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 1


Intermediate function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 2


Function for isentropic specific enthalpy and specific entropy in region 2


Function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 2


Function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 3


Isentropic specific enthalpy in region 3 h(p,s)


Isentropic specific enthalpy in region 3 h(p,s) with given good guess in d and T


Isentropic specific enthalpy in region 4 h(p,s)


Specific enthalpy in region 5 h(p,T)


Isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s (preferably use water_hisentropic_dyn in dynamic simulation!)


Isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s and good guesses of d and T


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Package description

Package contents

  • Function hofpT1 computes h(p,T) in region 1.
  • Function handsofpT1 computes (s,h)=f(p,T) in region 1, needed for two-phase properties.
  • Function hofps1 computes h(p,s) in region 1.
  • Function hofpT2 computes h(p,T) in region 2.
  • Function handsofpT2 computes (s,h)=f(p,T) in region 2, needed for two-phase properties.
  • Function hofps2 computes h(p,s) in region 2.
  • Function hofdT3 computes h(d,T) in region 3.
  • Function hofpsdt3 computes h(p,s,dguess,Tguess) in region 3, where dguess and Tguess are initial guess values for the density and temperature consistent with p and s.
  • Function hofps4 computes h(p,s) in region 4.
  • Function hofpT5 computes h(p,T) in region 5.
  • Function water_hisentropic computes h(p,s,phase) in all regions. The phase input is needed due to discontinuous derivatives at the phase boundary.
  • Function water_hisentropic_dyn computes h(p,s,dguess,Tguess,phase) in all regions. The phase input is needed due to discontinuous derivatives at the phase boundary. Tguess and dguess are initial guess values for the density and temperature consistent with p and s. This function should be preferred in dynamic simulations where good guesses are often available.

Version Info and Revision history

  • First implemented: July, 2000 by Hubertus Tummescheit
Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden
  • Initial version: July 2000
  • Documentation added: December 2002