
Steam properties in the two-phase region and on the phase boundaries

Package Contents


Properties on the liquid phase boundary of region 4


Properties on the vapour phase boundary of region 4


Water saturation properties in the 2-phase region (4) as f(p,h)


Water/Steam properties in region 4 of IAPWS/IF97 (two-phase)


Water properties in region 4 as function of d and T


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Package description

Package TwoPhase provides functions to compute the steam properties in the two-phase region and on the phase boundaries

Package contents

  • Function WaterLiq_p computes properties on the boiling boundary as a function of p
  • Function WaterVap_p computes properties on the dew line boundary as a function of p
  • Function WaterSat_ph computes properties on both phase boundaries and in the two phase region as a function of p
  • Function WaterR4_ph computes dynamic simulation properties in region 4 with (p,h) as inputs
  • Function WaterR4_dT computes dynamic simulation properties in region 4 with (d,T) as inputs

Version Info and Revision history

  • First implemented: July, 2000 by Hubertus Tummescheit
Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden
  • Initial version: July 2000
  • Documented and re-organized: January 2003