
Simple components for 1-dimensional incompressible thermo-fluid flow models

Package Contents


User's Guide


Examples that demonstrate the usage of the FluidHeatFlow components


Basic components (pipes, valves)


Medium properties


Ideal sensors to measure port properties


Ideal fluid sources, e.g., ambient, volume flow


Connectors and partial models


Base classes of FluidHeatFlow models


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This package contains very simple-to-use components to model coolant flows as needed to simulate cooling e.g., of electric machines:

  • Components: components like different types of pipe models
  • Examples: some test examples
  • Interfaces: definition of connectors and partial models (containing the core thermodynamic equations)
  • Media: definition of media properties
  • Sensors: various sensors for pressure, temperature, volume and enthalpy flow
  • Sources: various flow sources
Variables used in connectors:
  • Pressure p
  • flow MassFlowRate m_flow
  • SpecificEnthalpy h
  • flow EnthalpyFlowRate H_flow

EnthalpyFlowRate means the Enthalpy = cpconstant * m * T that is carried by the medium's flow.

Limitations and assumptions:
  • Splitting and mixing of coolant flows (media with the same cp) is possible.
  • Reversing the direction of flow is possible.
  • The medium is considered to be incompressible.
  • No mixtures of media is taken into consideration.
  • The medium may not change its phase.
  • Medium properties are kept constant.
  • Pressure changes are only due to pressure drop and geodetic height difference rho*g*h (if h > 0).
  • A user-defined part (0..1) of the friction losses (V_flow*dp) are fed to the medium.
  • Note: Connected flowPorts have the same temperature (mixing temperature)!
    Since mixing may occur, the outlet temperature may be different from the connector's temperature.
    Outlet temperature is defined by variable T of the corresponding component.

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