
Electrical terms


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

The terms listed in this package shall be in accordance with Electropedia.

List of electrical term spellings
To be used Not to be used
cut-off frequency cut off frequency, cutoff frequency, cut-off-frequency, cutoff-frequency
electromagnetic electro magnetic, electro-magnetic
electromechanical electro mechanical, electro-mechanical
no-load noload, no load
polyphase multi phase, multi-phase, multiphase
quasi-static quasistatic, quasi static
set-point set point, setpoint
short-circuit shortcircuit, short circuit
single-phase single phase, singlephase, one phase, one-phase, onephase, 1 phase, 1-phase
star point star-point, starpoint
three-phase three phase, threephase, 3 phase, 3-phase