


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

  1. Citation formats should be unified according to IEEE Transactions style.
  2. Reference should be formatted as tables with two columns.

In the following the reference formats will be explained based on five examples:

  • Journal (or conference) [Gao2008]
  • Book [Kral2018]
  • Master's thesis [Woehrnschimmel1998]
  • PhD thesis [Farnleitner1999]
  • Technical report [Marlino2005]

The citation is also explained.


<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    <td>Z. Gao, T. G. Habetler, R. G. Harley, and R. S. Colby,
        &quot;<a href="">A sensorless rotor temperature estimator for induction
        machines based on a current harmonic spectral estimation scheme</a>&quot;,
        <em>IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics</em>,
        vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 407-416, Jan. 2008.
    <td>C. Kral,
        <em>Modelica - object oriented modeling of polyphase electric machines</em> (in German),
        M&uuml;nchen: Hanser Verlag, 2018, <a href="">DOI 10.3139/9783446457331</a>,
        ISBN 978-3-446-45551-1.
    <td>R. W&ouml;hrnschimmel,
        &quot;Simulation, modeling and fault detection for vector
        controlled induction machines&quot;,
        Master&apos;s thesis, Vienna University of Technology,
        Vienna, Austria, 1998.
    <td>E. Farnleitner,
      &quot;Computational Fluid dynamics analysis for rotating
      electrical machinery&quot;,
      Ph.D. dissertation, University of Leoben,
      Department of Applied Mathematics, Leoben, Austria, 1999.
    <td>L. D. Marlino,
      &quot;Oak ridge national laboratory annual progress report for the
      power electronics and electric machinery program&quot;,
      Oak Ridge National Laboratory, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy,
      Tennessee, USA, Tech. Rep. FY2004 Progress Report, January 2005,
      <a href="modelica:///Modelica.UsersGuide.Conventions.UsersGuide.References/"">DOI 10.2172/974618</a>.

appears as

[Gao2008] Z. Gao, T. G. Habetler, R. G. Harley, and R. S. Colby, "A sensorless rotor temperature estimator for induction machines based on a current harmonic spectral estimation scheme", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 407-416, Jan. 2008.
[Kral2018] C. Kral, Modelica - object oriented modeling of polyphase electric machines (in German), München: Hanser Verlag, 2018, DOI 10.3139/9783446457331, ISBN 978-3-446-45551-1.
[Woehrnschimmel1998] R. Wöhrnschimmel, "Simulation, modeling and fault detection for vector controlled induction machines", Master's thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 1998.
[Farnleitner1999] E. Farnleitner, "Computational Fluid dynamics analysis for rotating electrical machinery", Ph.D. dissertation, University of Leoben, Department of Applied Mathematics, Leoben, Austria, 1999.
[Marlino2005] L. D. Marlino, "Oak ridge national laboratory annual progress report for the power electronics and electric machinery program", Oak Ridge National Laboratory, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Tennessee, USA, Tech. Rep. FY2004 Progress Report, January 2005, DOI 10.2172/974618.