
Revision History


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

  1. The revision history needs to answer the question: What has changed and what are the improvements over the previous versions and revision.
  2. The revision history includes the documentation of the development history of each class and/or package.
  3. Version number, date, author and comments shall be included. In case the version number is not known at the time of implementation, a dummy version number shall be used, e.g., 3.x.x. The version date shall be the date of the latest change.
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
      <td>A. Haumer<br>C. Kral</td>
      <td>Fixed bug in documentation</td>
      <td>A. Haumer</td>
      <td>Initial version</td>

This code appears then as in the "Revisions" section below.