
Version 3.2.2 (April 3, 2016)


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Version 3.2.2 is backward compatible to version 3.2.1, that is models developed with versions 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.1, 3.2, or 3.2.1 will work without any changes also with version 3.2.2 (with exception of the, usually uncritical, non-backwards compatible changes listed below with regards to external object libraries, and one bug fix introduced in 3.2.1 Build.3 for non-circular pipes that can be non-backwards compatible if a user constructed a new pipe model based on Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction, see details below).

  • This version of the Modelica package is fully compatible to Modelica Specification 3.2 revision 2.
  • About 240 tickets have been fixed in this release and the previous maintenance releases:
    • Version 3.2.1 Build.3 (July 30, 2015) with respect to 3.2.1 Build.2 (August 14, 2013):
      About 103 tickets have been fixed for this maintenance release.
    • Version 3.2.1 Build.4 (September 30, 2015) with respect to 3.2.1 Build.3 (July 30, 2015):
      • About 10 tickets have been fixed for this maintenance release. Critical tickets:
      • Ticket 1768 fixes an issue with block CombiTimeTable (wrong output when using fixed time step integrator with time step greater than table resolution).
      • Ticket 1758 states that simulation of Modelica.Fluid.Examples.HeatingSystem fails in Dymola 2016 if option "pedantic mode for checking Modelica semantics" is set. This issue was not fixed in the library due to the following reasons:
        The Modelica.Fluid library uses a particular pattern to define some parameters resulting in a cyclic dependency of parameters if only incident information is taken into account. According to Modelica Specification 3.2 revision 2 this is not allowed (and therefore Dymola 2016 correctly reports errors if the pedantic flag is set). In ticket 1320 this issue was resolved for Modelica Specification 3.3 revision 1 by allowing cyclic parameter definitions if the cycles disappear when evaluating parameters that have annotation Evaluate=true. Modelica.Fluid is correct with respect to Modelica Specification 3.3 revision 1. Changing the Modelica.Fluid library for 3.2.1 build.4 so that no cyclic parameter dependencies would be present anymore would (a) result in a non-backwards compatible change and (b) make the usage of Modelica.Fluid less convenient. For this reason Modelica.Fluid is not changed. (Practically, this means for example that the pedantic flag in Dymola 2016 needs to be switched off, when using the Modelica.Fluid library in version 3.2.1 build 4 and any previous version).
      • In ticket 1757 it is (correctly) stated that the example model PsychrometricData was moved from Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir.PsychrometricData and that this is a non-backwards compatible change. This non-backwards compatible change is accepted, because it fixes a circular dependency (a model references a package in which it resides), for details see ticket 1679. Fixing this ticket is seen as of much higher priority, as the small drawback that an example model is moved (and the probability is very high that this moved model is not used in any user model).
    • Version 3.2.2 Build.2 (March 16, 2016) with respect to 3.2.1 Build.4 (September 30, 2015):
      About 130 tickets have been fixed for this release.
      The ModelicaStandardTables object library (.lib, .dll, .a, .so, depending on tool) has been split into the libraries ModelicaStandardTables, ModelicaMatIO, zlib and the new object library ModelicaIO has been added.
      For a tool vendor this can be a non-backwards compatible change if the same object libraries have been used in the past for different releases of package Modelica. In Resources/C-Sources/readme.txt the issue is explained in detail and how to resolve it. For a user this might be a non-backwards compatible change if he/she implemented an own external C interface function to one of the functions in the ModelicaStandardTables, ModelicaMatIO or zlib libraries. In this case, the library annotations to these functions need to be adapted.
  • In version 3.2.1 Build.3 a new argument crossArea was introduced in the functions of Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction to fix a subtle bug for the calculation of pipe friction for non-circular pipes, see #1601 and #1656. If a user utilized a pipe model of Modelica.Fluid.Pipes, this does not matter because the pipe models have been improved in a fully backwards compatible way. However, if the user constructed an own pipe model based on the partial package PartialWallFriction and calls the functions defined in PartialWallFriction with positional (and not named) arguments, then a unit warning or error will occur (depending on the tool and tool-specific settings) because the new argument crossArea has unit [m2] and the previous argument at this place, roughness, has unit [m]. If the warning is ignored, the simulation result will be wrong, because the crossArea is used as roughness. The user needs to fix this by adapting his/her pipe model so that the crossArea is used in the function calls, or by using named function arguments.

The exact difference between package Modelica version 3.2.2 and version 3.2.1 is summarized in the following two comparison tables:

This release of package Modelica, and the accompanying ModelicaTest, has been tested with the following tools (the tools are listed alphabetically. At the time of the test, some of the tools might not yet supported the complete Modelica package. For more details of the tests see #1867):

  • Dymola 2017 Beta.1 (Windows 64 bit, "Check" with pedantic flag, that is checking strict Modelica compliance, and "Check with Simulation").
    #1924: Regression testing of 3.2.2+build.0-beta.2 using Dymola 2017 Dev 4 with respect to 3.2.1+build.4 reference files
    #1949: Regression testing of 3.2.2+build.0-beta.3 using Dymola 2017 Beta 1 with respect to 3.2.1+build.4 reference files
  • LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim 14.2 and LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim 15 (development build). No previously unreported regressions have been detected.
  • Maplesim Parser
  • OpenModelica 1.9.4 Beta.2 (Windows, Linux, Mac)

The following Modelica packages have been tested that they work together with this release of package Modelica (alphabetical list):

  • AirConditioning Library 1.12 (Modelon)
  • Buildings 2.1.0 (LBNL)
  • Electric Power Library 2.2.3 (Modelon)
  • Engine Dynamics Library 1.2.5 (Modelon)
  • FlexibleBodies 2.2 (DLR)
  • FlightDynamics 1.0.1 (DLR)
  • FluidDissipation 1.1.8 (XRG Simulation)
  • Fuel Cell Library 1.3.3 (Modelon)
  • Heat Exchanger Library 1.4.1 (Modelon)
  • Human Comfort Library 2.1.0 (XRG Simulation)
  • HVAC Library 2.1.0 (XRG Simulation)
  • Hydraulics Library 4.4 (Modelon)
  • Hydronics Library 2.1.0 (XRG Simulation)
  • Hydro Power Library 2.6 (Modelon)
  • Liquid Cooling Library 1.5 (Modelon)
  • Modelica_Synchronous 0.92.1
  • Modelica_LinearSystems2 2.3.4
  • Modelica_StateGraph2 2.0.3
  • Optimization 2.2.2 (DLR)
  • PowerTrain 2.4.0 (DLR)
  • Pneumatics Library 2.0 (Modelon)
  • Thermal Power Library 1.12 (Modelon)
  • Vapor Cycle Library 1.3 (Modelon)
  • Vehicle Dynamics Library 2.3 (Modelon)

The following new libraries have been added:

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters This library offers models for rectifiers, inverters and DC/DC-converters.
(This library was developed by Christian Kral and Anton Haumer.)
Modelica.Magnetic.QuasiStatic.FundamentalWave This library provides quasi-static models of polyphase machines (induction machines, synchronous machines) in parallel (with the same parameters but different electric connectors) to the transient models in Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.
Quasistatic means that electric transients are neglected, voltages and currents are supposed to be sinusoidal. Mechanical and thermal transients are taken into account.
This library is especially useful in combination with the Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStatic library in order to build up very fast simulations of electrical circuits with sinusoidal currents and voltages.
(This library was developed by Christian Kral and Anton Haumer.)
Sublibraries of Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes New elements for modeling ferromagnetic (static) and eddy current (dynamic) hysteresis effects and permanent magnets have been added. The FluxTubes.Material package is also extended to provide hysteresis data for several magnetic materials. These data is partly based on own measurements. For modeling of ferromagnetic hysteresis, two different hysteresis models have been implemented: The simple Tellinen model and the considerably more detailed Preisach hysteresis model. The following packages have been added: (These extensions have been developed by Johannes Ziske and Thomas Bödrich as part of the Clean Sky JTI project; project number: 296369; Theme: JTI-CS-2011-1-SGO-02-026; MOMOLIB - Modelica Model Library Development for Media, Magnetic Systems and Wavelets. The partial financial support by the European Union for this development is highly appreciated.).
Sublibraries for noise modeling Several new sublibraries have been added allowing the modeling of reproducible noise. The most important new sublibraries are (for more details see below): (These extensions have been developed by Andreas Klöckner, Frans van der Linden, Dirk Zimmer, and Martin Otter from DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control).
Modelica.Utilities functions for matrix read/write New functions are provided in the Modelica.Utilities.Streams sublibrary to write matrices in MATLAB MAT format on file and read matrices in this format from file. The MATLAB MAT formats v4, v6, v7 and v7.3 (in case the tool supports HDF5) are supported by these functions. Additionally, example models are provided under Modelica.Utilities.Examples to demonstrate the usage of these functions in models. For more details see below.
(These extensions have been developed by Thomas Beutlich from ITI GmbH).
Modelica.Math sublibrary for FFT The new sublibrary FastFourierTransform provides utility and convenience functions to compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Additionally two examples are present to demonstrate how to compute an FFT during continuous-time simulation and store the result on file. For more details see below.
(These extensions have been developed by Martin Kuhn and Martin Otter from DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control).

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

NoiseExamples Several examples to demonstrate the usage of the blocks in the new sublibrary Blocks.Noise.
PartialNoise Partial noise generator (base class of the noise generators in Blocks.Noise)
ContinuousMean Calculates the empirical expectation (mean) value of its input signal
Variance Calculates the empirical variance of its input signal
StandardDeviation Calculates the empirical standard deviation of its input signal
GlobalSeed Defines global settings for the blocks of sublibrary Noise, especially a global seed value is defined
UniformNoise Noise generator with uniform distribution
NormalNoise Noise generator with normal distribution
TruncatedNormalNoise Noise generator with truncated normal distribution
BandLimitedWhiteNoise Noise generator to produce band-limited white noise with normal distribution
ShowTransferFunction Example to demonstrate the usage of the block TransferFunction.
TransferFunction This block allows to define a complex transfer function (depending on frequency input w) to obtain the complex output y.
LogFrequencySweep The logarithm of w performs a linear ramp from log10(wMin) to log10(wMax), the output is the decimal power of this logarithmic ramp.
ControlledDCDrives Current, speed and position controlled DC PM drive
SpringDamperNoRelativeStates Introduced to fix ticket 1375
ElastoBacklash2 Alternative model of backlash. The difference to the existing ElastoBacklash component is that an event is generated when contact occurs and that the contact torque changes discontinuously in this case. For some user models, this variant of a backlash model leads to significantly faster simulations.
NonCircularPipes Introduced to check the fix of ticket 1681
PsychrometricData Introduced to fix ticket 1679
balanceABC Return a balanced form of a system [A,B;C,0] to improve its condition by a state transformation
Xorshift64star Random number generator xorshift64*
Xorshift128plus Random number generator xorshift128+
Xorshift1024star Random number generator xorshift1024*
initialStateWithXorshift64star Return an initial state vector for a random number generator (based on xorshift64star algorithm)
automaticGlobalSeed Creates an automatic integer seed from the current time and process id (= impure function)
initializeImpureRandom Initializes the internal state of the impure random number generator
impureRandom Impure random number generator (with hidden state vector)
impureRandomInteger Impure random number generator for integer values (with hidden state vector)
Uniform Library of uniform distribution functions (functions: density, cumulative, quantile)
Normal Library of normal distribution functions (functions: density, cumulative, quantile)
TruncatedNormal Library of truncated normal distribution functions (functions: density, cumulative, quantile)
Weibull Library of Weibull distribution functions (functions: density, cumulative, quantile)
TruncatedWeibull Library of truncated Weibull distribution functions (functions: density, cumulative, quantile)
erf Error function erf(u) = 2/sqrt(pi)*Integral_0_u exp(-t^2)*d
erfc Complementary error function erfc(u) = 1 - erf(u)
erfInv Inverse error function: u = erf(erfInv(u))
erfcInv Inverse complementary error function: u = erfc(erfcInv(u))
sinc Unnormalized sinc function: sinc(u) = sin(u)/u
realFFTinfo Print information about real FFT for given f_max and f_resolution
realFFTsamplePoints Return number of sample points for a real FFT
realFFT Return amplitude and phase vectors for a real FFT
readMatrixSize Read dimensions of a Real matrix from a MATLAB MAT file
readRealMatrix Read Real matrix from MATLAB MAT file
writeRealMatrix Write Real matrix to a MATLAB MAT file
hashString Creates a hash value of a String
getTime Retrieves the local time (in the local time zone)
getPid Retrieves the current process id

The following existing components have been changed in a non-backward compatible way:

HeatingDiode Removed protected variable k "Boltzmann's constant".
Calculate protected constant q "Electron charge" from already known constants instead of defining a protected variable q.
Removed parameter K "Boltzmann's constant" and q "Elementary electronic charge".
Calculate instead protected constant q "Electron charge" from already known constants.
Users that have used these parameters might have broken their models; the (although formal non-backwards compatible) change offers the users a safer use.