

This is a partial function that defines the interface of valve characteristics. The function returns "rc = valveCharacteristic" as function of the opening "pos" (in the range 0..1):

    dp = (zeta_TOT/2) * rho * velocity^2
m_flow =    sqrt(2/zeta_TOT) * Av * sqrt(rho * dp)
m_flow = valveCharacteristic * Av * sqrt(rho * dp)
m_flow =                  rc * Av * sqrt(rho * dp)


partial function baseFun
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real pos(min = 0, max = 1) "Opening position (0: closed, 1: fully open)";
  output Real rc "Relative flow coefficient (per unit)";
end baseFun;

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