X = Matrices.discreteLyapunov(A, C); X = Matrices.discreteLyapunov(A, C, ATisSchur, sgn, eps);
This function computes the solution X of the discrete-time Lyapunov equation
A'*X*A + sgn*X = C
where sgn=1 or sgn =-1. For sgn = -1, the discrete Lyapunov equation is a special case of the Stein equation:
A*X*B - X + Q = 0.
The algorithm uses the Schur method for Lyapunov equations proposed by Bartels and Stewart [1].
In a nutshell, the problem is reduced to the corresponding problem
R*Y*R' + sgn*Y = D.
is the real Schur form of A' and
are the corresponding transformations of C and
X. This problem is solved sequentially by
exploiting the block triangular form of R. Finally
the solution of the original problem is recovered as
The Boolean input "ATisSchur" indicates to omit the transformation
to Schur in the case that A' has already Schur
[1] Bartels, R.H. and Stewart G.W. Algorithm 432: Solution of the matrix equation AX + XB = C. Comm. ACM., Vol. 15, pp. 820-826, 1972.
A = [1, 2, 3, 4; 3, 4, 5, -2; -1, 2, -3, -5; 0, 2, 0, 6]; C = [-2, 3, 1, 0; -6, 8, 0, 1; 2, 3, 4, 5; 0, -2, 0, 0]; X = discreteLyapunov(A, C, sgn=-1); results in: X = [7.5735, -3.1426, 2.7205, -2.5958; -2.6105, 1.2384, -0.9232, 0.9632; 6.6090, -2.6775, 2.6415, -2.6928; -0.3572, 0.2298, 0.0533, -0.27410];
Matrices.discreteSylvester, Matrices.continuousLyapunov
function discreteLyapunov extends Modelica.Icons.Function; import Modelica.Math.Matrices; input Real A[:, size(A, 1)] "Square matrix A in A'*X*A + sgn*X = C"; input Real C[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)] "Square matrix C in A'*X*A + sgn*X = C"; input Boolean ATisSchur = false "True if transpose(A) has already real Schur form"; input Integer sgn = 1 "Specifies the sign in A'*X*A + sgn*X = C"; input Real eps = Matrices.norm(A, 1) * 10 * Modelica.Constants.eps "Tolerance eps"; output Real X[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)] "Solution X of the Lyapunov equation A'*X*A + sgn*X = C"; end discreteLyapunov;