

This package contains basic mathematical functions (such as sin(..)), as well as functions operating on vectors, matrices, nonlinear functions, and Boolean vectors.

Main Authors

Martin Otter and Marcus Baur
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik (DLR-SR)
Forschungszentrum Oberpfaffenhofen
D-82234 Wessling
email: Martin.Otter@dlr.de

Copyright © 1998-2019, Modelica Association and contributors


Name Description
 Vectors Library of functions operating on vectors
 BooleanVectors Library of functions operating on Boolean vectors
 Matrices Library of functions operating on matrices
 Nonlinear Library of functions operating on nonlinear equations
 Random Library of functions for generating random numbers
 Distributions Library of distribution functions
 Special Library of special mathematical functions
 FastFourierTransform Library of functions for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 Icons Icons for Math
 isEqual Determine if two Real scalars are numerically identical
 isPowerOf2 Determine if the integer input is a power of 2
 sin Sine
 cos Cosine
 tan Tangent (u shall not be -pi/2, pi/2, 3*pi/2, ...)
 asin Inverse sine (-1 <= u <= 1)
 acos Inverse cosine (-1 <= u <= 1)
 atan Inverse tangent
 atan2 Four quadrant inverse tangent
 atan3 Four quadrant inverse tangent (select solution that is closest to given angle y0)
 sinh Hyperbolic sine
 cosh Hyperbolic cosine
 tanh Hyperbolic tangent
 asinh Inverse of sinh (area hyperbolic sine)
 acosh Inverse of cosh (area hyperbolic cosine)
 exp Exponential, base e
 log Natural (base e) logarithm (u shall be > 0)
 log10 Base 10 logarithm (u shall be > 0)
 wrapAngle Wrap angle to interval ]-pi,pi] or [0,2*pi[
 baseIcon1 This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions, use Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisLeft instead.
 baseIcon2 This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions, use Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter instead.
 tempInterpol1 Temporary function for linear interpolation (will be removed)
 tempInterpol2 Temporary function for vectorized linear interpolation (will be removed)


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