

Library content

This library provides functions operating on vectors:

See also



Name Description
 toString Convert a real vector in to a string representation
 isEqual Determine if two Real vectors are numerically identical
 norm Return the p-norm of a vector
 length Return length of a vector (better as norm(), if further symbolic processing is performed)
 normalize Return normalized vector such that length = 1 and prevent zero-division for zero vector
 normalizeWithAssert Return normalized vector such that length = 1 (trigger an assert for zero vector)
 reverse Reverse vector elements (e.g., v[1] becomes last element)
 sort Sort elements of vector in ascending or descending order
 find Find element in a vector
 interpolate Interpolate linearly in a vector
 relNodePositions Return vector of relative node positions (0..1)
 Utilities Utility functions that should not be directly utilized by the user

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