Component for a fixed translation and
fixed rotation of frame_b with respect to frame_a,
i.e., the relationship between connectors frame_a and frame_b
remains constant. There are several possibilities to define the
orientation of frame_b with respect to frame_a:
- Planar rotation along axis 'n' (that is fixed
and resolved in frame_a) with a fixed angle 'angle'.
- Vectors n_x and n_y that are
directed along the corresponding axes direction of frame_b and are
resolved in frame_a (if n_y is not orthogonal to n_x, the y-axis of
frame_b is selected such that it is orthogonal to n_x and in the
plane of n_x and n_y).
- Sequence of three planar axes
rotations. For example, "sequence = {1,2,3}" and "angles =
{90, 45, -90}" means to rotate frame_a around the x axis with 90
degrees, around the new y axis with 45 degrees and around the new z
axis around -90 degrees to arrive at frame_b. Note, that
sequence={1,2,3} is the Cardan angle sequence and sequence =
{3,1,3} is the Euler angle sequence.
By default, this component is visualized by a cylinder
connecting frame_a and frame_b, as shown in the figure below. In
this figure frame_b is rotated along the z-axis of frame_a with 60
degree. Note, that the two visualized frames are not part of the
component animation and that the animation may be switched off via
parameter animation = false.

Release Notes:
- July 28, 2003
Bug fixed: if rotationType = PlanarRotationSequence, then 'angles'
was used with unit [rad] instead of [deg].
Generated at 2020-06-05T07:38:22Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-420-gc007a39