

In this section the format UsersGuide of the HTML documentation are specified. The structure of the documentation is specified separately.


  1. In each section the paragraphs should start with <p> and terminate with </p>.
  2. Do not write plain text without putting it in a paragraph.
  3. No artificial line breaks <br> should be added within text paragraphs if possible. Use separate paragraphs instead.
  4. After a colon (:) continue with capital letter if new sentence starts; for text fragments continue with lower case letter


  1. For setting text in strong font (normally interpreted as boldface) the tags <strong> and </strong> have to be used.
  2. For emphasizing text fragments <em> and </em> has to be used.
  3. Modelica terms such as expandable bus, array, etc. should not be emphasized anyhow.

Capitalization of Text

  1. Table headers and entries should start with capital letters
  2. Table entries should start with lower case letter if only text fragments are used.
  3. Table and figure captions start with a capital letter


Name Description
 Cases Cases
 Code Code
 Equations Equations
 Figures Figures
 Hyperlinks Hyperlinks
 Lists Lists
 References References
 Tables Tables

Generated at 2020-06-05T07:38:22Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-420-gc007a39