Package Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal
Ideal electrical elements such as switches, diode, transformer, operational amplifier


This package contains electrical components with idealized behaviour. To enable more realistic applications than it is possible with pure realistic behavior some components are improved by additional features. E.g. the switches have resistances for the open or close case which can be parametrized.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

AD_ConverterSimple n-bit analog to digital converter
CloserWithArcIdeal closing switch with simple arc model
ControlledCloserWithArcControlled ideal electrical closer with simple arc model
ControlledIdealClosingSwitchControlled ideal electrical closer
ControlledIdealCommutingSwitchControlled ideal commuting switch
ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitchControlled ideal intermediate switch
ControlledIdealOpeningSwitchControlled ideal electrical opener
ControlledOpenerWithArcControlled ideal electrical opener with simple arc model
DA_ConverterSimple digital to analog converter
IdealClosingSwitchIdeal electrical closer
IdealCommutingSwitchIdeal commuting switch
IdealDiodeIdeal diode
IdealGTOThyristorIdeal GTO thyristor
IdealGyratorIdeal gyrator
IdealIntermediateSwitchIdeal intermediate switch
IdealizedOpAmpLimtedIdealized operational amplifier with limitation
IdealOpAmpIdeal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair)
IdealOpAmp3PinIdeal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair), but 3 pins
IdealOpAmpLimitedIdeal operational amplifier with limitation
IdealOpeningSwitchIdeal electrical opener
IdealThyristorIdeal thyristor
IdealTransformerIdeal transformer core with or without magnetization
IdealTriacIdeal triac, based on ideal thyristors
IdleIdle branch
OpenerWithArcIdeal opening switch with simple arc model
ShortShort cut branch

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealDiode
Ideal diode


This is an ideal diode, for details see partial model IdealSemiconductor
The diode is conducting if voltage > Vknee.
The diode is locking if current < Vknee/Goff.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSemiconductor (Ideal semiconductor).


ResistanceRon1e-5Forward state-on differential resistance (closed resistance)
ConductanceGoff1e-5Backward state-off conductance (opened conductance)
VoltageVknee0Forward threshold voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealThyristor
Ideal thyristor


This is an ideal thyristor, for details see partial model IdealSemiconductor
The thyristor is conducting if voltage > Vknee AND fire = true.
If fire gets false, the current has to fall below Vknee*Goff, then the thyristor gets locking.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSemiconductor (Ideal semiconductor).


ResistanceRon1e-5Forward state-on differential resistance (closed resistance)
ConductanceGoff1e-5Backward state-off conductance (opened conductance)
VoltageVknee0Forward threshold voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputfire 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealGTOThyristor
Ideal GTO thyristor


This is an ideal GTO thyristor or switching transistor, for details see partial model IdealSemiconductor
The GTO thyristor is conducting if voltage > Vknee AND fire = true.
Otherwise, the GTO thyristor is locking.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSemiconductor (Ideal semiconductor).


ResistanceRon1e-5Forward state-on differential resistance (closed resistance)
ConductanceGoff1e-5Backward state-off conductance (opened conductance)
VoltageVknee0Forward threshold voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputfire 

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealCommutingSwitch
Ideal commuting switch


The commuting switch has a positive pin p and two negative pins n1 and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the input signal control. If control is true, the pin p is connected with the negative pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p is connected to the negative pin n1.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontroltrue => p--n2 connected, false => p--n1 connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealIntermediateSwitch
Ideal intermediate switch


The intermediate switch has four switching contact pins p1, p2, n1, and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the input signal control. If control is true, the pin p1 is connected to the pin n2, and the pin p2 is connected to the pin n1. Otherwise,if control is false, the pin p1 is connected to n1, and the pin p2 is connected to n2.


In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron.


The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontroltrue => p1--n2, p2--n1 connected, otherwise p1--n1, p2--n2 connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch
Controlled ideal commuting switch


The commuting switch has a positive pin p and two negative pins n1 and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the value of the parameter level, the pin p is connected with the negative pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p is connected the negative pin n1.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: if control.v > level p--n2 connected, otherwise p--n1 connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch
Controlled ideal intermediate switch


The intermediate switch has four switching contact pins p1, p2, n1, and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the value of the parameter level, the pin p1 is connected to pin n2, and the pin p2 is connected to the pin n1. Otherwise, the pin p1 is connected to the pin n1, and the pin p2 is connected to the pin n2.


In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron.


The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: if control.v > level p1--n2, p2--n1 connected, otherwise p1--n1, p2--n2 connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealOpAmp
Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair)


The ideal OpAmp is a two-port. The left port is fixed to v1=0 and i1=0 (nullator). At the right port both any voltage v2 and any current i2 are possible (norator).


PositivePinp1Positive pin of the left port
NegativePinn1Negative pin of the left port
PositivePinp2Positive pin of the right port
NegativePinn2Negative pin of the right port

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealOpAmp3Pin
Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair), but 3 pins


The ideal OpAmp with three pins is of exactly the same behaviour as the ideal OpAmp with four pins. Only the negative output pin is left out. Both the input voltage and current are fixed to zero (nullator). At the output pin both any voltage v2 and any current i2 are possible.


PositivePinin_pPositive pin of the input port
NegativePinin_nNegative pin of the input port
PositivePinoutOutput pin

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealOpAmpLimited
Ideal operational amplifier with limitation


The ideal OpAmp with limitation behaves like an ideal OpAmp without limitation, if the output voltage is within the limits VMin and VMax. In this case the input voltage vin = in_p.v - in_n.v is zero. If the input voltage vin less than 0, the output voltage is out.v = VMin. If the input voltage is vin larger than 0, the output voltage is out.v = VMax.


PositivePinin_pPositive pin of the input port
NegativePinin_nNegative pin of the input port
PositivePinoutOutput pin
PositivePinVMaxPositive output voltage limitation
NegativePinVMinNegative output voltage limitation

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealizedOpAmpLimted
Idealized operational amplifier with limitation


Idealized operational amplifier with saturation:

Supply voltage is either defined by parameter Vps and Vns or by (optional) pins s_p and s_n.

In the first case the necessary power is drawn from an implicit internal supply, in the second case from the external supply.


RealV015000No-load amplification
BooleanuseSupplyfalseUse supply pins (otherwise constant supply)
VoltageVps15Positive supply voltage
VoltageVns-15Negative supply voltage
Booleanstricttrue= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)
LimiterHomotopyhomotopyTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​LimiterHomotopy.​LinearSimplified model for homotopy-based initialization


PositivePinin_pPositive pin of the input port
NegativePinin_nNegative pin of the input port
PositivePinoutPin of the output port
PositivePins_pOptional positive supply pin
NegativePins_nOptional negative supply pin

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealTransformer
Ideal transformer core with or without magnetization


The ideal transformer is a two-port circuit element; in case of Boolean parameter considerMagnetization = false it is characterized by the following equations:

 i2 = -i1*n;
 v2 =  v1/n;

where n is a real number called the turns ratio. Due to this equations, also DC voltages and currents are transformed - which is not the case for technical transformers.

In case of Boolean parameter considerMagnetization = true it is characterized by the following equations:

 im1  = i1 + i2/n "Magnetizing current w.r.t. primary side";
 psim1= Lm1*im1   "Magnetic flux w.r.t. primary side";
 v1 = der(psim1)  "Primary voltage";
 v2 = v1/n        "Secondary voltage";

where Lm denotes the magnetizing inductance. Due to this equations, the DC offset of secondary voltages and currents decrement according to the time constant defined by the connected circuit.

Taking primary L1sigma and secondary L2ssigma leakage inductances into account, compared with the basic transformer the following parameter conversion can be applied (which leads to identical results):

 L1 = L1sigma + M*n "Primary inductance at secondary no-load";
 L2 = L2sigma + M/n "Secondary inductance at primary no-load";
  M  = Lm1/n         "Mutual inductance";

For the backward conversion, one has to decide about the partitioning of the leakage to primary and secondary side.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​TwoPort (Component with two electrical ports, including current).


Realn Turns ratio primary:secondary voltage
BooleanconsiderMagnetizationfalseChoice of considering magnetization
InductanceLm1 Magnetization inductance w.r.t. primary side


PositivePinp1Positive electrical pin of port 1
NegativePinn1Negative electrical pin of port 1
PositivePinp2Positive electrical pin of port 2
NegativePinn2Negative electrical pin of port 2

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealGyrator
Ideal gyrator


A gyrator is an ideal two-port element defined by the following equations:

i1 = G * v2
i2 = -G * v1

where the constant G is called the gyration conductance.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​TwoPort (Component with two electrical ports, including current).


ConductanceG Gyration conductance


PositivePinp1Positive electrical pin of port 1
NegativePinn1Negative electrical pin of port 1
PositivePinp2Positive electrical pin of port 2
NegativePinn2Negative electrical pin of port 2

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​Idle
Idle branch


The model Idle is a simple idle running branch. That means between both pins no current is running. This ideal device is of no influence on the circuit. Therefore, it can be neglected in each case. For purposes of completeness this component is part of the MSL, as an opposite of the short cut.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n).


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​Short
Short cut branch


The model Short is a simple short cut branch. That means the voltage drop between both pins is zero. This device could be neglected if both pins are combined to one node. Besides connecting the nodes of both pins this device has no further function.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n).


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealOpeningSwitch
Ideal electrical opener


The switching behaviour of the ideal opening switch is controlled by the input signal control: off = control.
For further details, see partial model IdealSwitch.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitch (Ideal electrical switch).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontroltrue => switch open, false => p--n connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealClosingSwitch
Ideal electrical closer


The switching behaviour of the ideal closing switch is controlled by the input signal control: off = not control.
For further details, see partial model IdealSwitch.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitch (Ideal electrical switch).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontroltrue => p--n connected, false => switch open

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledIdealOpeningSwitch
Controlled ideal electrical opener


The switching behaviour of the controlled ideal opening switch is controlled by the control pin: off = control.v > level
For further details, see partial model IdealSwitch.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitch (Ideal electrical switch).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: control.v > level switch open, otherwise p--n connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledIdealClosingSwitch
Controlled ideal electrical closer


The switching behaviour of the controlled ideal closing switch is controlled by the control pin: off = control.v < level
For further details, see partial model IdealSwitch.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitch (Ideal electrical switch).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: control.v > level switch closed, otherwise switch open

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​OpenerWithArc
Ideal opening switch with simple arc model


This model is an extension to the IdealOpeningSwitch.

For details of the arc effect, see partial model IdealSwitchWithArc.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitchWithArc (Ideal switch with simple arc model).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
VoltageV0 Initial arc voltage
VoltageSlopedVdt Arc voltage slope
VoltageVmax Max. arc voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontrolfalse => p--n connected, true => switch open

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​CloserWithArc
Ideal closing switch with simple arc model


This model is an extension to the IdealClosingSwitch.

For details of the arc effect, see partial model IdealSwitchWithArc.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitchWithArc (Ideal switch with simple arc model).


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
VoltageV0 Initial arc voltage
VoltageSlopedVdt Arc voltage slope
VoltageVmax Max. arc voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
input BooleanInputcontroltrue => p--n connected, false => switch open

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledOpenerWithArc
Controlled ideal electrical opener with simple arc model


This model is an extension to the ControlledIdealOpeningSwitch.

For details of the arc effect, see partial model IdealSwitchWithArc.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitchWithArc (Ideal switch with simple arc model).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
VoltageV0 Initial arc voltage
VoltageSlopedVdt Arc voltage slope
VoltageVmax Max. arc voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: control.v > level switch open, otherwise p--n connected

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​ControlledCloserWithArc
Controlled ideal electrical closer with simple arc model


This model is an extension to the ControlledIdealClosingSwitch.

For details of the arc effect, see partial model IdealSwitchWithArc.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Interfaces.​IdealSwitchWithArc (Ideal switch with simple arc model).


Voltagelevel0.5Switch level
ResistanceRon1e-5Closed switch resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened switch conductance
VoltageV0 Initial arc voltage
VoltageSlopedVdt Arc voltage slope
VoltageVmax Max. arc voltage
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin
HeatPort_aheatPortConditional heat port
PincontrolControl pin: control.v > level switch closed, otherwise switch open

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​IdealTriac
Ideal triac, based on ideal thyristors


This is an ideal triac model based on an ideal thyristor model.

Two ideal thyristors (Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealThyristor) are contrarily connected in parallel and additionally eliminated interference with a resistor (Rdis=100) and a capacitor (Cdis=0.005), which are connected in series.

The electrical component triac (TRIode Alternating Current switch) is, due to whose complex structure, a multifunctional applicable construction unit. The application area of this element is the manipulation of alternating current signals in frequency, voltage and/or current and also general blocking or filtering. However, compared to a thyristor the triac is only applied for substantial lesser currents, what is justified by whose sensitive structure. Generally one is limited to maximal voltages from 800 volt and currents from 40 ampere. For comparison maximal voltages of a thyristor are 8.000 volt and currents 5.000 ampere.

Structure and functionality:

Functionality of a triac is in principle the same like functionality of a thyristor, even connecting through of current starting from a certain voltage (knee voltage), but only if the current at anode and cathode is caused by a impulse current in the gate electrode. In case of the triac this process is also possible with reverse polarity, wherefore it is possible to control both half-waves of alternating currents. By means of gate electrodes, which are connected in a triac and why only one gate electrode is necessary, the point of time can be determined, at which the triac lets the alternating current signal pass. Thereby it is possible to affect the phase, at which the alternating current signal is cut. One speaks also of phase-angle control. Also depending on doping and specific structure knee voltage and maximal current carrying are alterable.



As an additional information: this model is based on the Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealThyristor.


ResistanceRon1e-5Closed triac resistance
ConductanceGoff1e-5Opened triac conductance
VoltageVknee0.8Threshold voltage for positive and negative phase
ResistanceRdis100Resistance of disturbance elimination
CapacitanceCdis0.005Capacity of disturbance elimination


input BooleanInputfire1Gate

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​AD_Converter
Simple n-bit analog to digital converter


Simple analog to digital converter with a variable resolution of n bits. It converts the input voltage ppin.v-npin.v to an n-vector of type Logic (9-valued logic according to IEEE 1164 STD_ULOGIC). The input resistance between positive and negative pin is determined by Rin. Further effects (like input capacities) have to be modeled outside the converter, since this should be a general model.

The input signal range (VRefLo,VRefHi) is divided into 2^n-1 equally spaced stages of length Vlsb:=(VRefHi-VRefLo)/(2^n-1). The output signal is the binary code of k as long as the input voltage takes values in the k-th stage, namely in the range from Vlsb*(k-0.5) to m*(k+0.5). This is called mid-tread operation. Additionally the output can only change its value if the trigger signal trig of type Logic changes to '1' (forced or weak).

The output vector is a 'little-endian'. i.e., that the first bit y[1] is the least significant one (LSB).

This is an abstract model of an ADC. Therefore, it can not cover the dynamic behaviour of the converter. Hence the output will change instantaneously when the trigger signal rises.


IntegerN Resolution in bits - output signal width
VoltageVRefHigh High reference voltage
VoltageVRefLow Low reference voltage
ResistanceRin Input resistance


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin (input)
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin (input)
output DigitalOutputy[N]Digital output
input DigitalInputtrigTrigger input

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Analog.​Ideal.​DA_Converter
Simple digital to analog converter


Simple digital to analog converter with a variable input signal width of N bits. The input signal is an N-vector of type Logic (9-valued logic according to IEEE 1164 STD_ULOGIC). The output voltage of value y is generated by an ideal voltage source. The output can only change if the trigger signal trig of type Logic changes to '1' (forced or weak). In this case, the output voltage is calculated in the following way:

  y = SUM ( x[i]*2^(i-1) )*Vref/(2^N-1),

where x[i], i=1,...,N is 1 or 0. and Vref is the reference value. Therefore, the first bit in the input vector x[1] is the least significant one (LSB) and x[N] is the most significant bit (MSB).

This is an abstract model of a DAC. Hence, it can not cover the dynamic behaviour of the converter. Therefore the output will change instantaneously when the trigger signal rises.


IntegerN Resolution - input signal width
VoltageVref Reference voltage


input DigitalInputtrigTrigger input
input DigitalInputx[N]Digital input
PositivePinpPositive electrical pin (output)
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin (output)

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:02 EST by MapleSim.