Package Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​BasicMachines.​SynchronousInductionMachines
Models of synchronous induction machines


This package contains models of synchronous induction machines, based on space phasor theory:

These models use package SpacePhasors.
Please keep in mind:

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Contents

SM_ElectricalExcitedElectrical excited synchronous induction machine with damper cage
SM_PermanentMagnetPermanent magnet synchronous induction machine
SM_ReluctanceRotorSynchronous induction machine with reluctance rotor and damper cage

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​BasicMachines.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SM_PermanentMagnet
Permanent magnet synchronous induction machine


Model of a three phase permanent magnet synchronous induction machine.
Resistance and stray inductance of stator is modeled directly in stator phases, then using space phasor transformation and a rotor-fixed AirGap model. Resistance and stray inductance of rotor's squirrel cage is modeled in two axis of the rotor-fixed coordinate system. Permanent magnet excitation is modelled by a constant equivalent excitation current feeding the d-axis. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:

Whether a damper cage is present or not, can be selected with Boolean parameter useDamperCage (default = true).
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:

number of pole pairs p 2
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
nominal frequency fNominal 50Hz
nominal voltage per phase 100V RMS
no-load voltage per phase 112.3V RMS @ nominal speed
nominal current per phase 100A RMS
nominal torque 181.4Nm
nominal speed 1500rpm
nominal mechanical output 28.5kW
nominal rotor angle 20.75degree
efficiency 95.0%
power factor 0.98
stator resistance 0.03Ohm per phase at reference temperature
reference temperature TsRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20s 01/K
stator reactance Xd 0.4Ohm per phase in d-axis
stator reactance Xq 0.4Ohm per phase in q-axis
stator stray reactance Xss 0.1Ohm per phase
damper resistance in d-axis 0.04Ohm at reference temperature
damper resistance in q-axis same as d-axis
reference temperature TrRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20r 01/K
damper stray reactance in d-axis XDds 0.05Ohm
damper stray reactance in q-axis XDqs same as d-axis
stator operational temperature TsOperational 20°C
damper operational temperature TrOperational 20°C
These values give the following inductances:
main field inductance in d-axis (Xd - Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance in q-axis (Xq - Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)
stator stray inductance per phase Xss/(2*pi*fNominal)
damper stray inductance in d-axis XDds/(2*pi*fNominal)
damper stray inductance in q-axis XDqs/(2*pi*fNominal)

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Interfaces.​PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


final Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
TemperatureTsOperational Operational temperature of stator resistance
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase at TRef
TemperatureTsRef Reference temperature of stator resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20s Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
InductanceLszeroLssigmaStator zero sequence inductance
InductanceLssigma Stator stray inductance per phase
InertiaJr Rotor's moment of inertia
BooleanuseSupportfalseEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJsJrStator's moment of inertia
BooleanuseThermalPortfalseEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
FrictionParametersfrictionParameters Friction loss parameter record
CoreParametersstatorCoreParameters Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side
StrayLoadParametersstrayLoadParameters Stray load loss parameter record
final TemperatureTpmOperational293.15Operational temperature of permanent magnet
TemperatureTrOperational Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage
VoltageVsOpenCircuit Open circuit RMS voltage per phase @ fsNominal
InductanceLmd Stator main field inductance per phase in d-axis
InductanceLmq Stator main field inductance per phase in q-axis
BooleanuseDamperCage Enable / disable damper cage
InductanceLrsigmad Damper stray inductance in d-axis
InductanceLrsigmaqLrsigmadDamper stray inductance in q-axis
ResistanceRrd Damper resistance in d-axis at TRef
ResistanceRrqRrdDamper resistance in q-axis at TRef
TemperatureTrRef Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20r Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
PermanentMagnetLossParameterspermanentMagnetLossParameters Permanent magnet loss parameter record


Flange_asupportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
PositivePlugplug_spPositive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snNegative stator plug
output RealOutputir[2]Damper cage currents
output RealOutputidq_dr[2]Damper space phasor current / rotor fixed frame

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​BasicMachines.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SM_ElectricalExcited
Electrical excited synchronous induction machine with damper cage


Model of a three phase electrical excited synchronous induction machine with damper cage.
Resistance and stray inductance of stator is modeled directly in stator phases, then using space phasor transformation and a rotor-fixed AirGap model. Resistance and stray inductance of rotor's squirrel cage is modeled in two axis of the rotor-fixed coordinate system. Electrical excitation is modelled by converting excitation current and voltage to d-axis space phasors. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:

Whether a damper cage is present or not, can be selected with Boolean parameter useDamperCage (default = true).
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:

number of pole pairs p 2
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
nominal frequency fNominal 50Hz
nominal voltage per phase 100V RMS
no-load excitation current
@ nominal voltage and frequency
10A DC
warm excitation resistance 2.5Ohm
nominal current per phase 100A RMS
nominal apparent power -30000VA
power factor -1.0ind./cap.
nominal excitation current 19A
efficiency w/o excitation 97.1%
nominal torque -196.7Nm
nominal speed 1500rpm
nominal rotor angle -57.23degree
stator resistance 0.03Ohm per phase at reference temperature
reference temperature TsRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20s 01/K
stator reactance Xd 1.6Ohm per phase in d-axis
giving Kc 0.625
stator reactance Xq 1.6Ohm per phase in q-axis
stator stray reactance Xss 0.1Ohm per phase
damper resistance in d-axis 0.04Ohm at reference temperature
damper resistance in q-axis same as d-axis
reference temperature TrRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20r 01/K
damper stray reactance in d-axis XDds 0.05Ohm
damper stray reactance in q-axis XDqs same as d-axis
excitation resistance 2.5Ohm at reference temperature
reference temperature TeRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20e 01/K
excitation stray inductance 2.5% of total excitation inductance
stator operational temperature TsOperational 20°C
damper operational temperature TrOperational 20°C
excitation operational temperature TeOperational 20°C
These values give the following inductances:
main field inductance in d-axis (Xd - Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance in q-axis (Xq - Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)
stator stray inductance per phase Xss/(2*pi*fNominal)
damper stray inductance in d-axis XDds/(2*pi*fNominal)
damper stray inductance in q-axis XDqs/(2*pi*fNominal)

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Interfaces.​PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


final Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
TemperatureTsOperational Operational temperature of stator resistance
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase at TRef
TemperatureTsRef Reference temperature of stator resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20s Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
InductanceLszeroLssigmaStator zero sequence inductance
InductanceLssigma Stator stray inductance per phase
InertiaJr Rotor's moment of inertia
BooleanuseSupportfalseEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJsJrStator's moment of inertia
BooleanuseThermalPortfalseEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
FrictionParametersfrictionParameters Friction loss parameter record
CoreParametersstatorCoreParameters Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side
StrayLoadParametersstrayLoadParameters Stray load loss parameter record
TemperatureTrOperational Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage
InductanceLmd Stator main field inductance per phase in d-axis
InductanceLmq Stator main field inductance per phase in q-axis
BooleanuseDamperCage Enable / disable damper cage
InductanceLrsigmad Damper stray inductance in d-axis
InductanceLrsigmaqLrsigmadDamper stray inductance in q-axis
ResistanceRrd Damper resistance in d-axis at TRef
ResistanceRrqRrdDamper resistance in q-axis at TRef
TemperatureTrRef Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20r Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
VoltageVsNominal Nominal stator RMS voltage per phase
CurrentIeOpenCircuit Open circuit excitation current @ nominal voltage and frequency
ResistanceRe Excitation resistance at TRef
TemperatureTeRef Reference temperature of excitation resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20e Temperature coefficient of excitation resistance
Realsigmae Stray fraction of total excitation inductance
TemperatureTeOperational Operational excitation temperature
BrushParametersbrushParameters Brush loss parameter record


Flange_asupportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
PositivePlugplug_spPositive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snNegative stator plug
output RealOutputir[2]Damper cage currents
output RealOutputidq_dr[2]Damper space phasor current / rotor fixed frame
PositivePinpin_epPositive excitation pin
NegativePinpin_enNegative excitation pin

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​BasicMachines.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SM_ReluctanceRotor
Synchronous induction machine with reluctance rotor and damper cage


Model of a three phase synchronous induction machine with reluctance rotor and damper cage.
Resistance and stray inductance of stator is modeled directly in stator phases, then using space phasor transformation. Resistance and stray inductance of rotor's squirrel cage is modeled in two axis of the rotor-fixed coordinate system. Both together connected via a rotor-fixed AirGap model. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:

Whether a damper cage is present or not, can be selected with Boolean parameter useDamperCage (default = true).
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:

number of pole pairs p 2
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
nominal frequency fNominal 50Hz
nominal voltage per phase 100V RMS
nominal current per phase 50A RMS
nominal torque 46Nm
nominal speed 1500rpm
nominal mechanical output 7.23kW
efficiency 96.98%
power factor 0.497
stator resistance 0.03Ohm per phase at reference temperature
reference temperature TsRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20s 01/K
rotor resistance in d-axis 0.04Ohm at reference temperature
rotor resistance in q-axis same as d-axis
reference temperature TrRef 20°C
temperature coefficient alpha20r 01/K
stator reactance Xsd in d-axis 3Ohm per phase
stator reactance Xsq in q-axis 1Ohm
stator stray reactance Xss 0.1Ohm per phase
rotor stray reactance in d-axis Xrds 0.05Ohm per phase
rotor stray reactance in q-axis Xrqs same as d-axis
stator operational temperature TsOperational 20°C
damper operational temperature TrOperational 20°C
These values give the following inductances:
stator stray inductance per phase Xss/(2*pi*fNominal)
rotor stray inductance in d-axis Xrds/(2*pi*fNominal)
rotor stray inductance in q-axis Xrqs/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance per phase in d-axis (Xsd-Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance per phase in q-axis (Xsq-Xss)/(2*pi*fNominal)

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Interfaces.​PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


final Integerm3Number of phases
Integerp Number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
TemperatureTsOperational Operational temperature of stator resistance
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase at TRef
TemperatureTsRef Reference temperature of stator resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20s Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
InductanceLszeroLssigmaStator zero sequence inductance
InductanceLssigma Stator stray inductance per phase
InertiaJr Rotor's moment of inertia
BooleanuseSupportfalseEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJsJrStator's moment of inertia
BooleanuseThermalPortfalseEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
FrictionParametersfrictionParameters Friction loss parameter record
CoreParametersstatorCoreParameters Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side
StrayLoadParametersstrayLoadParameters Stray load loss parameter record
TemperatureTrOperational Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage
InductanceLmd Stator main field inductance per phase in d-axis
InductanceLmq Stator main field inductance per phase in q-axis
BooleanuseDamperCage Enable / disable damper cage
InductanceLrsigmad Damper stray inductance in d-axis
InductanceLrsigmaqLrsigmadDamper stray inductance in q-axis
ResistanceRrd Damper resistance in d-axis at TRef
ResistanceRrqRrdDamper resistance in q-axis at TRef
TemperatureTrRef Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20r Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis


Flange_asupportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
PositivePlugplug_spPositive stator plug
NegativePlugplug_snNegative stator plug
output RealOutputir[2]Damper cage currents
output RealOutputidq_dr[2]Damper space phasor current / rotor fixed frame

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:11 EST by MapleSim.