Package Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines
Test examples of synchronous induction machines


This package contains test examples of synchronous induction machines.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Contents

SMEE_DOLTest example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine starting direct on line
SMEE_GeneratorTest example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine as Generator
SMEE_LoadDumpTest example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine with voltage controller
SMEE_RectifierTest example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine with rectifier
SMPM_BrakingTest example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine acting as brake
SMPM_CurrentSourceTest example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine fed by current source
SMPM_InverterTest example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine with inverter
SMPM_NoLoadSMPM at no-load
SMPM_VoltageSourceTest example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine fed by FOC
SMR_DOLTest example: SynchronousInductionMachineReluctanceRotor direct-on-line
SMR_InverterTest example: SynchronousInductionMachineReluctanceRotor with inverter

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMR_DOL
Test example: SynchronousInductionMachineReluctanceRotor direct-on-line


Test example: Synchronous induction machine with reluctance rotor direct on line
A synchronous machine with reluctance rotor starts direct on line, utilizing the damper cage.
After reaching synchronous speed, at time tStep a load step is applied.
Simulate for 2.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters of model SM_ReluctanceRotor are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
Frequencyf50Actual frequency
TimetStart10.1Switch-on time
TorqueTLoad20Nominal load torque
TimetStep1.5Time of load torque step
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMR_Inverter
Test example: SynchronousInductionMachineReluctanceRotor with inverter


An ideal frequency inverter is modeled by using a VfController and a three-phase SignalVoltage. Frequency is raised by a ramp, causing the reluctance machine to start, and accelerating inertias. At time tStep a load step is applied.

Simulate for 1.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
Frequencyf50Actual frequency
TimetRamp1Frequency ramp
TorqueTLoad46Nominal load torque
TimetStep1.2Time of load torque step
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMPM_NoLoad
SMPM at no-load


Synchronous machine with permanent magnets at no-load, driven with constant nominal speed.

You may check the terminal voltage = VsOpenCircuit (shown by the length of the space phasor) and the frequency = fsNominal.

Additionally, you may check the phase shift of the stator voltages with respect to the mechanical shaft angle:

Note that the angle of the voltage space phasor is pi/2 behind the angle of the hall sensor, i.e. after a rotation of the shaft by pi/2/p the flux linkage of phase 1 is zero and the induced voltage a maximum.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).



Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMPM_Inverter
Test example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine with inverter


An ideal frequency inverter is modeled by using a VfController and a three-phase SignalVoltage. Frequency is raised by a ramp, causing the permanent magnet synchronous induction machine to start, and accelerating inertias. At time tStep a load step is applied.

Simulate for 1.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

In practice it is nearly impossible to drive a PMSMD without current controller.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
Frequencyf50Actual frequency
TimetRamp1Frequency ramp
TorqueTLoad181.4Nominal load torque
TimetStep1.2Time of load torque step
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMPM_CurrentSource
Test example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine fed by current source


A synchronous induction machine with permanent magnets accelerates a quadratic speed dependent load from standstill. The rms values of d- and q-current in rotor fixed coordinate system are converted to three-phase currents, and fed to the machine. The result shows that the torque is influenced by the q-current, whereas the stator voltage is influenced by the d-current.

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


CurrentIdq[2]{-53.5, 84.6}Desired d- and q-current
AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * smpmData.fsNominal / smpmData.pNominal speed
TorqueTLoad181.4Nominal load torque
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMPM_VoltageSource
Test example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine fed by FOC


A synchronous induction machine with permanent magnets accelerates a quadratic speed dependent load from standstill. The rms values of d- and q-current in rotor fixed coordinate system are controlled by the voltageController, and the output voltages fed to the machine. The result shows that the torque is influenced by the q-current, whereas the stator voltage is influenced by the d-current.

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


CurrentIdq[2]{-53.5, 84.6}Desired d- and q-current
AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * smpmData.fsNominal / smpmData.pNominal speed
TorqueTLoad181.4Nominal load torque
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMPM_Braking
Test example: PermanentMagnetSynchronousInductionMachine acting as brake


A synchronous induction machine with permanent magnets starts braking from nominal speed by feeding a diode bridge, which in turn feeds a braking resistor. Since induced voltage is reduced proportional to falling speed, the braking resistance is set proportional to speed to achieve constant current and torque.

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


ResistanceR1Nominal braking resistance
AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * smpmData.fsNominal / smpmData.pNominal speed
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMEE_DOL
Test example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine starting direct on line


An electrically excited synchronous generator is started direct on line utilizing the damper cage (and the shorted excitation winding) at 0 seconds.

At t = 0.5 seconds, the excitation voltage is raised to achieve the no-load excitation current. Note, that reactive power of the stator goes to zero.

At t = 2 second, a driving torque step is applied to the shaft (i.e. the turbine is activated). Note, that active and reactive power of the stator changes. To drive at higher torque, i.e., produce more electric power, excitation has to be adapted.

Simulate for 3 seconds and plot:

Default machine parameters are used.


The mains switch is closed at time = 0 in order to avoid non physical noise calculated by the rotorDisplacementAngle. This noise is caused by the interaction of the high resistance of the switch and the machine, see #2388.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
VoltageVesmeeData.Re * smeeData.IeOpenCircuitExcitation current
Anglegamma00Initial rotor displacement angle

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMEE_Generator
Test example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine as Generator


An electrically excited synchronous generator is connected to the grid and driven with constant speed. Since speed is slightly smaller than synchronous speed corresponding to mains frequency, rotor angle is very slowly increased. This allows to see several characteristics dependent on rotor angle.

Simulate for 30 seconds and plot (versus rotorDisplacementAngle.rotorDisplacementAngle):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
AngularVelocitywActual0.016666666666667 * (2998 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Actual speed
CurrentIe19Excitation current
CurrentIe010Initial excitation current
Anglegamma00Initial rotor displacement angle

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMEE_LoadDump
Test example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine with voltage controller


An electrically excited synchronous generator is started with a speed ramp, then driven with constant speed. Voltage is controlled, the set point depends on speed. After start-up the generator is loaded, the load is rejected.

Simulate for 10 seconds and plot:

Default machine parameters are used.

One could try to optimize the controller parameters.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * smeeData.fsNominal / smee.pNominal speed
ImpedanceZNominal3 * smeeData.VsNominal ^ 2 / smeeData.SNominalNominal load impedance
RealpowerFactor0.8Load power factor
ResistanceRLoadZNominal * powerFactorLoad resistance
InductanceLLoadZNominal * sqrt(1 - powerFactor ^ 2) / (2 * pi * smeeData.fsNominal)Load inductance
VoltageVe0smee.IeOpenCircuit * Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(smee.Re, smee.TeRef, smee.alpha20e, smee.TeOperational)No load excitation voltage
Realk2 * Ve0 / smeeData.VsNominalVoltage controller: gain
TimeTi0.5 * smeeData.Td0TransientVoltage controller: integral time constant

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Machines.​Examples.​SynchronousInductionMachines.​SMEE_Rectifier
Test example: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousInductionMachine with rectifier


An electrically excited synchronous generator is driven with constant speed. Voltage is controlled, the set point depends on speed. The generator is loaded with a rectifier.

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * smeeData.fsNominal / smee.pNominal speed
VoltageVDC0sqrt(6) * smeeData.VsNominalNo-load DC voltage
ResistanceRLoadVDC0 ^ 2 / smeeData.SNominalLoad resistance
VoltageVe0smee.IeOpenCircuit * Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(smee.Re, smee.TeRef, smee.alpha20e, smee.TeOperational)No load excitation voltage
Realk2 * Ve0 / smeeData.VsNominalVoltage controller: gain
TimeTi0.5 * smeeData.Td0TransientVoltage controller: integral time constant

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:08 EST by MapleSim.