Package Modelica.​Magnetic.​FundamentalWave.​BasicMachines.​AsynchronousInductionMachines
Asynchronous induction machines


This package provides squirrel cage and slip ring induction machine models.

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Contents

AIM_SlipRingAsynchronous induction machine with slip ring rotor
AIM_SquirrelCageAsynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FundamentalWave.​BasicMachines.​AsynchronousInductionMachines.​AIM_SquirrelCage
Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage


Resistances and stray inductances of the machine refer to an m phase stator. The symmetry of the stator and rotor is assumed. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FundamentalWave.​Interfaces.​PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


Integerm3Number of stator phases
InertiaJr Rotor inertia
BooleanuseSupportfalseEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs Stator inertia
BooleanuseThermalPortfalseEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
Integerp Number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
TemperatureTsOperational Operational temperature of stator resistance
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase at TRef
TemperatureTsRef Reference temperature of stator resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20s Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
RealeffectiveStatorTurns1Effective number of stator turns
InductanceLssigma Stator stray inductance
InductanceLszeroLssigmaStator zero inductance
SalientInductanceL0 Salient inductance of an unchorded coil
FrictionParametersfrictionParameters Friction loss parameter record
CoreParametersstatorCoreParameters Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side
StrayLoadParametersstrayLoadParameters Stray load loss parameter record
InductanceLm Stator main field inductance
InductanceLrsigma Rotor leakage inductance of equivalent m phase winding w.r.t. stator side
ResistanceRr Rotor resistance of equivalent m phase winding w.r.t. stator side
TemperatureTrRef Reference temperature of rotor resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20r Temperature coefficient of rotor resistance at 20 degC
TemperatureTrOperational Operational temperature of rotor resistance


Flange_asupportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
PositivePlugplug_spPositive plug of stator
NegativePlugplug_snNegative plug of stator
ThermalPortAIMCthermalPortThermal port of induction machines

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FundamentalWave.​BasicMachines.​AsynchronousInductionMachines.​AIM_SlipRing
Asynchronous induction machine with slip ring rotor


Resistances and stray inductances of the machine always refer to either stator or rotor. The symmetry of the stator and rotor is assumed. The number of stator and rotor phases may be different. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FundamentalWave.​Interfaces.​PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


IntegermrmNumber of rotor phases
Integerm3Number of stator phases
InertiaJr Rotor inertia
BooleanuseSupportfalseEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs Stator inertia
BooleanuseThermalPortfalseEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
Integerp Number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal Nominal frequency
TemperatureTsOperational Operational temperature of stator resistance
ResistanceRs Stator resistance per phase at TRef
TemperatureTsRef Reference temperature of stator resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20s Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC
RealeffectiveStatorTurns1Effective number of stator turns
InductanceLssigma Stator stray inductance
InductanceLszeroLssigmaStator zero inductance
SalientInductanceL0 Salient inductance of an unchorded coil
FrictionParametersfrictionParameters Friction loss parameter record
CoreParametersstatorCoreParameters Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side
StrayLoadParametersstrayLoadParameters Stray load loss parameter record
InductanceLm Stator main field inductance
InductanceLrsigma Rotor leakage inductance w.r.t. rotor side
InductanceLrzeroLrsigmaRotor zero inductance w.r.t. rotor side
ResistanceRr Rotor resistance per phase w.r.t. rotor side
TemperatureTrRef Reference temperature of rotor resistance
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20alpha20r Temperature coefficient of rotor resistance at 20 degC
TemperatureTrOperational Operational temperature of rotor resistance
BooleanuseTurnsRatio Use TurnsRatio or calculate from locked-rotor voltage?
RealTurnsRatio Effective number of stator turns / effective number of rotor turns
VoltageVsNominal Nominal stator voltage per phase
VoltageVrLockedRotor Locked rotor voltage per phase
CoreParametersrotorCoreParameters Rotor core loss parameter record, all quantities refer to rotor side


Flange_asupportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
PositivePlugplug_spPositive plug of stator
NegativePlugplug_snNegative plug of stator
ThermalPortAIMSthermalPortThermal port of induction machines
NegativePlugplug_rnNegative plug of rotor
PositivePlugplug_rpPositive plug of rotor

Generated 2018-12-12 12:11:04 EST by MapleSim.