Package Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines
Induction machine examples


This icon indicates a package that contains executable examples.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Contents

IMC_CharacteristicsCharacteristic curves of Induction machine with squirrel cage
IMC_ConveyorInduction machine with squirrel cage and inverter driving a conveyor
IMC_DOLInduction machine with squirrel cage started directly on line (DOL)
IMC_InitializeSteady-state initialization of induction machine with squirrel cage
IMC_TransformerInduction machine with squirrel cage starting with transformer
IMC_withLossesInduction machine with squirrel cage and losses
IMC_YDInduction machine with squirrel cage starting Y-D
IMS_CharacteristicsCharacteristic curves of induction machine with slip rings
IMS_StartStarting of induction machine with slip rings

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_Characteristics
Characteristic curves of Induction machine with squirrel cage


This examples allows the investigation of characteristic curves of quasi static multi phase induction machines with squirrel cage rotor as a function of rotor speed.

Simulate for 1 second and plot (versus imcQS.wMechanical or perUnitSpeed):

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of phases
VoltageVsNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimcData.​fsNominalNominal frequency
AngularVelocityw_Load0.016666666666667 * (2880.9 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Nominal load speed
IntegerpimcData.​pNumber of pole pairs
AIM_SquirrelCageDataimcData Machine data

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_DOL
Induction machine with squirrel cage started directly on line (DOL)


This example compares a time transient and a quasi static model of a multi phase induction machine. At start time tOn a transient and a quasi static multi phase voltage source are connected to an induction machine. The machine starts from standstill, accelerating inertias against load torque quadratic dependent on speed, finally reaching nominal speed.

Simulate for 1 second and plot (versus time):

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of phases
VoltageVsNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimc.​fsNominalNominal frequency
TimetOn0.1Start time of machine
TorqueT_Load161.4Nominal load torque
AngularVelocityw_Load0.016666666666667 * (2880.9 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Nominal load speed
InertiaJ_Load0.5Load inertia
Integerp2Number of pole pairs
AIM_SquirrelCageDataimcData Machine data

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_YD
Induction machine with squirrel cage starting Y-D


At start time tStart three phase voltage is supplied to the asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage, first star-connected, then delta-connected; the machine starts from standstill, accelerating inertias against load torque quadratic dependent on speed, finally reaching nominal speed.

Simulate for 2.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimc.​fsNominalNominal frequency
TimetStart10.1Start time
TimetStart22Start time from Y to D
TorqueTLoad161.4Nominal load torque
AngularVelocitywLoad0.016666666666667 * (2880.9 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Nominal load speed
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_Transformer
Induction machine with squirrel cage starting with transformer


At start time tStart1 three phase voltage is supplied to the asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage via the transformer; the machine starts from standstill, accelerating inertias against load torque quadratic dependent on speed; at start time tStart2 the machine is fed directly from the voltage source, finally reaching nominal speed.

Simulate for 2.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimc.​fsNominalNominal frequency
TimetStart10.1Start time
TimetStart22Start time of bypass transformer
TorqueTLoad161.4Nominal load torque
AngularVelocitywLoad0.016666666666667 * (2880.9 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Nominal load speed
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_Conveyor
Induction machine with squirrel cage and inverter driving a conveyor


An ideal frequency inverter is modeled by using a VfController and a three-phase SignalVoltage. Frequency is driven by a load cycle of acceleration, constant speed, deceleration and standstill. The mechanical load is a constant torque like a conveyor (with regularization around zero speed).

Simulate for 20 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of phases
VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimcData.​fsNominalNominal frequency
AngularVelocitywNominal2 * pi * fNominal / imcData.pNominal speed
TorqueTLoad161.4Nominal load torque
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia
Lengthr0.05Transmission radius

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_withLosses
Induction machine with squirrel cage and losses


Current I_simQS I_measQS
Speed w_simQS w_measQS
Power factor pf_simQS pf_measQS
Efficiency eff_simQS eff_measQS

Machine parameters are taken from a standard 18.5 kW 400 V 50 Hz motor, simulation results are compared with measurements.

Nominal stator current 32.85 A
Power factor 0.898
Speed 1462.5 rpm
Electrical input 20,443.95 W
Stator copper losses 770.13 W
Stator core losses 410.00 W
Rotor copper losses 481.60 W
Stray load losses 102.22 W
Friction losses 180.00 W
Mechanical output 18,500.00 W
Efficiency 90.49 %
Nominal torque 120.79 Nm

Stator resistance per phase 0.56 Ω
Temperature coefficient copper
Reference temperature 20 °C
Operation temperature 90 °C
Stator leakage reactance at 50 Hz 1.52 Ω
Main field reactance at 50 Hz 66.40 Ω
Rotor leakage reactance at 50 Hz 2.31 Ω
Rotor resistance per phase 0.42 Ω
Temperature coefficient aluminium
Reference temperature 20 °C
Operation temperature 90 °C

Anton Haumer, Christian Kral, Hansjörg Kapeller, Thomas Bäuml, Johannes V. Gragger
The AdvancedMachines Library: Loss Models for Electric Machines
Modelica 2009, 7th International Modelica Conference

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


PowerPNominal18500Nominal output
VoltageVNominal400Nominal RMS voltage
CurrentINominal32.85Nominal RMS current
RealpfNominal0.898Nominal power factor
PowerPsNominalsqrt(3) * VNominal * INominal * pfNominalNominal stator power
PowerlossNominalPsNominal - PNominalNominal losses
RealetaNominal0.9049Nominal efficiency
FrequencyfNominal50Nominal frequency
AngularVelocitywNominalfrom_rpm(1462.5)Nominal speed
TorqueTNominalPNominal / wNominalNominal torque
TemperatureTempNominalfrom_degC(90)Nominal temperature

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMC_Initialize
Steady-state initialization of induction machine with squirrel cage


Test example: Steady-State Initialization of Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage
The asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage is initialized in steady-state at no-load; at time tStart a load torque step is applied.
Simulate for 1.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters of model AIM_SquirrelCage are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of phases
VoltageVNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimc.​fsNominalNominal frequency
AngularVelocitywSync2 * pi * fNominal / imcData.p 
TimetStart0.5Start time
TorqueTLoad161.4Nominal load torque
AngularVelocitywLoad0.016666666666667 * (2880.9 * Modelica.Constants.pi)Nominal load speed
InertiaJLoad0.29Load's moment of inertia

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMS_Characteristics
Characteristic curves of induction machine with slip rings


This examples allows the investigation of characteristic curves of quasi static multi phase induction machines with slip ring rotor as a function of rotor speed.

Simulate for 1 second and plot (versus imsQS.wMechanical or perUnitSpeed):

Default machine parameters are used. The rotor resistance may be varied to demonstrate the impact on the characteristic curves

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of stator phases
Integermr3Number of rotor phases
VoltageVsNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalimsData.​fsNominalNominal frequency
ResistanceRr0.16 / imsData.turnsRatio ^ 2Starting resistance
IntegerpimsData.​pNumber of pole pairs
AngularVelocityw_LoadModelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_rpm(1440.45)Nominal load speed
AIM_SlipRingDataimsData Machine data

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​QuasiStatic.​FundamentalWave.​Examples.​BasicMachines.​InductionMachines.​IMS_Start
Starting of induction machine with slip rings


This example compares a time transient and a quasi static model of a multi phase induction machine. At start time tOn a transient and a quasi static multi phase voltage source are connected to induction machine with sliprings. The machine starts from standstill, accelerating inertias against load torque quadratic dependent on speed, using a starting resistance. At time tRheostat external rotor resistance is shortened, finally reaching nominal speed.

Simulate for 1.5 seconds and plot (versus time):

Default machine parameters are used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Integerm3Number of stator phases
Integermr3Number of rotor phases
VoltageVsNominal100Nominal RMS voltage per phase
FrequencyfNominalims.​fsNominalNominal frequency
TimetOn0.1Start time of machine
ResistanceRStart0.16 / imsData.turnsRatio ^ 2Starting resistance
TimetRheostat1Time of shortening the rheostat
TorqueT_Load161.4Nominal load torque
AngularVelocityw_LoadModelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_rpm(1440.45)Nominal load speed
InertiaJ_Load0.29Load inertia
AIM_SlipRingDataimsData Machine data

Generated 2018-12-12 12:11:13 EST by MapleSim.