Package Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Examples.​Elementary.​Utilities
Utility classes used by elementary multi-body example models


This package contains utility models and functions used by some of the elementary example models from the multi-body package.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).

Package Contents

sineSurfaceFunction defining the characteristic of a moving sine in three dimensions
theoreticalNormalGravityWGS84WGS84 normal gravity over earth ellipsoid in negative y-direction

Function Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Examples.​Elementary.​Utilities.​theoreticalNormalGravityWGS84
WGS84 normal gravity over earth ellipsoid in negative y-direction


Function that computes the theoretical gravity of the WGS84 ellipsoid earth model at and close to the earth ellipsoid surface, for the given "geodeticLatitude" and the given "height=r[2]" over the ellipsoid surface.

Extends from Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Interfaces.​partialGravityAcceleration (Interface for the gravity function used in the World object).


Positionr[3]Position vector from world frame to actual point, resolved in world frame
Angle_degphiGeodetic latitude


Accelerationgravity[3]Gravity acceleration at position r, resolved in world frame

Function Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Examples.​Elementary.​Utilities.​sineSurface
Function defining the characteristic of a moving sine in three dimensions


Function defining the characteristics of a moving sine in three dimensions. This function is used in example Elementary.Surfaces.

Extends from Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Interfaces.​partialSurfaceCharacteristic (Interface for a function returning surface characteristics).


IntegernuNumber of points in u-Dimension
IntegernvNumber of points in v-Dimension
BooleanmultiColoredSurface= true: Color is defined for each surface point
Realx_minMinimum value of x
Realx_maxMaximum value of x
Realy_minMinimum value of y
Realy_maxMaximum value of y
Realz_minMinimum value of z
Realz_maxMaximum value of z
RealwzFactor for angular frequency


PositionX[nu,nv][nu,nv] positions of points in x-Direction resolved in surface frame
PositionY[nu,nv][nu,nv] positions of points in y-Direction resolved in surface frame
PositionZ[nu,nv][nu,nv] positions of points in z-Direction resolved in surface frame
RealC[if multiColoredSurface then nu else 0,if multiColoredSurface then nv else 0,3][nu,nv,3] Color array, defining the color for each surface point

Generated 2018-12-12 12:11:33 EST by MapleSim.