Package Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​IdealGas
The ideal gas version of a record used in several degrees of detail


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

FluidConstantsExtended fluid constants

Record Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​IdealGas.​FluidConstants
Extended fluid constants


This icon is indicates a record.

Extends from Modelica.​Media.​Interfaces.​Types.​Basic.​FluidConstants (Critical, triple, molecular and other standard data of fluid).


StringiupacNameComplete IUPAC name (or common name, if non-existent)
StringcasRegistryNumberChemical abstracts sequencing number (if it exists)
StringchemicalFormulaChemical formula, (brutto, nomenclature according to Hill
StringstructureFormulaChemical structure formula
MolarMassmolarMassMolar mass
TemperaturecriticalTemperatureCritical temperature
AbsolutePressurecriticalPressureCritical pressure
MolarVolumecriticalMolarVolumeCritical molar Volume
RealacentricFactorPitzer acentric factor
TemperaturemeltingPointMelting point at 101325 Pa
TemperaturenormalBoilingPointNormal boiling point (at 101325 Pa)
DipoleMomentdipoleMomentDipole moment of molecule in Debye (1 debye = 3.33564e10-30 C.m)
BooleanhasIdealGasHeatCapacityTrue if ideal gas heat capacity is available
BooleanhasCriticalDataTrue if critical data are known
BooleanhasDipoleMomentTrue if a dipole moment known
BooleanhasFundamentalEquationTrue if a fundamental equation
BooleanhasLiquidHeatCapacityTrue if liquid heat capacity is available
BooleanhasSolidHeatCapacityTrue if solid heat capacity is available
BooleanhasAccurateViscosityDataTrue if accurate data for a viscosity function is available
BooleanhasAccurateConductivityDataTrue if accurate data for thermal conductivity is available
BooleanhasVapourPressureCurveTrue if vapour pressure data, e.g., Antoine coefficients are known
BooleanhasAcentricFactorTrue if Pitzer acentric factor is known
SpecificEnthalpyHCRIT0Critical specific enthalpy of the fundamental equation
SpecificEntropySCRIT0Critical specific entropy of the fundamental equation
SpecificEnthalpydeltahDifference between specific enthalpy model (h_m) and f.eq. (h_f) (h_m - h_f)
SpecificEntropydeltasDifference between specific enthalpy model (s_m) and f.eq. (s_f) (s_m - s_f)

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:47 EST by MapleSim.