
Force-stroke characteristic of the permeance model at constant current



This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Have a look at ConstantActuator and at PermeanceActuator for an explanation of both converter models.

Simulation of the force-stroke characteristic of the PermeanceActuator with a constant current I=3A and a forced armature movement (similar to measurements in reality) shows the dependency of both force-generating permeances G_ma and G_mb as well as inductance L on armature position x. Simulate for 8 s and plot vs. armature position feedX.flange_b.s (same physical quantities together in a common diagram for comparison):

    feedX.flange_b.f            // force of permeance model (permeance of stator iron neglected in this model)
    comparisonWithFEA.y[1]      // force of FEA model with non-linear stator iron 1.0718
    comparisonWithFEA.y[2]      // force of FEA model with mu_rFe=const.=1000
    actuator.g_ma.G_m           // permeance G_ma
    actuator.g_mb.G_m           // permeance G_mb
    actuator.L                  // inductance of permeance model
    comparisonWithFEA.y[3]      // inductance of FEA model for comparison (mu_rFe=const.=1000).

Components (6)


Type: Ground


Type: PermeanceActuator


Type: ConstantCurrent


Type: Ramp


Type: Position


Type: CombiTable1Ds

Description: Column 1: position, col.2: force with non-linear stator iron, col.3: force with mu_rFe=const.=1000, col.4: inductance with mu_rFe=const.=1000