
Control components for AC to AC converters


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.VoltageToAngle VoltageToAngle Reference voltage to firing angle converter
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.SoftStartControl SoftStartControl  

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.VoltageToAngle Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.VoltageToAngle

Reference voltage to firing angle converter


This block calculates firing angle from desired voltage, choosing either a linear (Lin) relationship or prescribing the first harmonic (H01) or the root mean square (RMS) . Since calculating the firing angle from both the H01 and the RMS involves a nonlinear equation, both relationships have been precalculated and are interpolated from a table.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


VNominalNominal voltage [V]
voltage2AngleSelect type of calculation


vRefReference voltage
firingAngleFiring angle [rad]

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.SoftStartControl Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACAC.Control.SoftStartControl


This block models the functionality of a soft starter controller, controlling the output vRef in the range [0,1] with respect to nominal voltage.

Boolean input start = true causes the output vRef to be risen according to a ramp: vRef = vStart + (1 - vStart)*(time - t0)/tRampUp.

In case the current exceeds the specified maximum current iMax during the starting ramp, the ramp is stopped. When the current falls below the lower threshold of current control iMin < iMax, the ramp is continued.

Note: It is recommended to filter the measured current, e.g. using Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Filter

Boolean input start = false causes the output vRef to be lowered according to a ramp: vRef = -(time - t0)/tRampDown.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


tRampUpStart ramp duration [s]
vStartStart voltage / nominal voltage
iMaxMaximum current / nominal current
iMinLower threshold of current control
INominalNominal current [A]
tRampDownStop ramp duration [s]


iRMSMeasured RMS current [A]
vRefReference voltage
Automatically generated Thu Oct 1 16:07:44 2020.