
Visualizing a set of lines as cylinders with variable size, e.g., used to display characters (no Frame connector)


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

With model Lines a set of dynamic lines is defined that are located relatively to frame_a. Every line is represented by a cylinder. This allows, e.g., to define simple shaped 3-dimensional characters. Note, if the lines are fixed relatively to frame_a, it is more convenient to use model Visualizers.Internal.FixedLines. An example for dynamic lines is shown in the following figure:

model Visualizers.Internal.FixedLines

The two letters "x" and "y" are constructed with 4 lines by providing the following data for input variable lines

lines = {[0, 0; 1, 1],[0, 1; 1, 0],[1.5, -0.5; 2.5, 1],[1.5, 1; 2, 0.25]}

Via vectors n_x and n_y a two-dimensional coordinate system is defined. The points defined with variable lines are with respect to this coordinate system. For example "[0, 0; 1, 1]" defines a line that starts at {0,0} and ends at {1,1}. The and color of all line cylinders are identical and are defined by parameters.

Inputs (9)


Default Value: Frames.nullRotation()

Type: Orientation

Description: Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame


Default Value: {0, 0, 0}

Type: Position[3] (m)

Description: Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame


Default Value: {0, 0, 0}

Type: Position[3] (m)

Description: Position vector from origin of object frame to the origin of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame


Default Value: {1, 0, 0}

Type: Real[3]

Description: Vector in direction of x-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame


Default Value: {0, 1, 0}

Type: Real[3]

Description: Vector in direction of y-axis of 'lines' frame, resolved in object frame


Default Value: zeros(0, 2, 2)

Type: Position[:,2,2] (m)

Description: List of start and end points of cylinders resolved in an x-y frame defined by n_x, n_y, e.g., {[0,0;1,1], [0,1;1,0], [2,0; 3,1]}


Default Value: 0.05

Type: Length (m)

Description: Diameter of the cylinders defined by lines


Default Value: {0, 128, 255}

Type: Color

Description: Color of cylinders


Default Value: 0.7

Type: SpecularCoefficient

Description: Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)

Components (2)


Type: Orientation

Description: Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame


Type: Shape[n]

Used in Components (3)



World coordinate system + gravity field + default animation definition



Visualizing a coordinate system including axes labels (visualization data may vary dynamically)



Visualizing a set of lines as cylinders (e.g., used to display characters)