
Types to be used in fluid models

Package Contents

AbsolutePressure (Pa)

Type for absolute pressure with medium specific attributes

Density (kg/m3)

Type for density with medium specific attributes

DynamicViscosity (Pa.s)

Type for dynamic viscosity with medium specific attributes

EnthalpyFlowRate (W)

Type for enthalpy flow rate with medium specific attributes

MassFraction (kg/kg)

Type for mass fraction with medium specific attributes

MoleFraction (mol/mol)

Type for mole fraction with medium specific attributes

MolarMass (kg/mol)

Type for molar mass with medium specific attributes

MolarVolume (m3/mol)

Type for molar volume with medium specific attributes


Type for isentropic exponent with medium specific attributes

SpecificEnergy (J/kg)

Type for specific energy with medium specific attributes

SpecificInternalEnergy (J/kg)

Type for specific internal energy with medium specific attributes

SpecificEnthalpy (J/kg)

Type for specific enthalpy with medium specific attributes

SpecificEntropy (J/(kg.K))

Type for specific entropy with medium specific attributes

SpecificHeatCapacity (J/(kg.K))

Type for specific heat capacity with medium specific attributes

SurfaceTension (N/m)

Type for surface tension with medium specific attributes

Temperature (K)

Type for temperature with medium specific attributes

ThermalConductivity (W/(m.K))

Type for thermal conductivity with medium specific attributes


Type for Prandtl number with medium specific attributes

VelocityOfSound (m/s)

Type for velocity of sound with medium specific attributes


Type for unspecified, mass-specific property transported by flow


Type for conserved integral of unspecified, mass specific property

ExtraPropertyFlowRate (kg/s)

Type for flow rate of unspecified, mass-specific property

IsobaricExpansionCoefficient (1/K)

Type for isobaric expansion coefficient with medium specific attributes

DipoleMoment (debye)

Type for dipole moment with medium specific attributes

DerDensityByPressure (s2/m2)

Type for partial derivative of density with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes

DerDensityByEnthalpy (kg.s2/m5)

Type for partial derivative of density with respect to enthalpy with medium specific attributes

DerEnthalpyByPressure (J.m.s2/kg2)

Type for partial derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes

DerDensityByTemperature (kg/(m3.K))

Type for partial derivative of density with respect to temperature with medium specific attributes

DerTemperatureByPressure (K/Pa)

Type for partial derivative of temperature with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes


Saturation properties of two phase medium


Validity limits for fluid model


Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use


The most basic version of a record used in several degrees of detail


The ideal gas version of a record used in several degrees of detail


The two phase fluid version of a record used in several degrees of detail

Extended by (1)



Partial medium properties (base package of all media packages)