
Release Notes


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

4.0.0, 2020-06-04
3.2.3, 2018-05-28 (Anton Haumer)
  • Fixed a bug in the IdealPump model
  • Added a simple open tank model
  • Added a simple piston/cylinder model
  • Added some more media
  • Added some more examples
3.2.2, 2010-06-25 (Christian Kral)
  • Added users guide package including contact and release notes
1.6.7, 2010-06-25 (Christian Kral)
  • Changed company name of Arsenal Research to AIT
1.6.6, 2007-11-13 (Anton Haumer)
  • Replaced all nonSIunits
  • Some renaming to be more concise
1.6.5, 2007-08-26 (Anton Haumer)
  • Fixed unit bug in SimpleFriction
1.6.4, 2007-08-24 (Anton Haumer)
  • Removed redeclare type SignalType
1.6.3, 2007-08-21 (Anton Haumer)
  • Improved documentation
1.6.2, 2007-08-20 (Anton Haumer)
  • Improved documentation
1.6.1, 2007-08-12 (Anton Haumer)
  • Improved documentation
  • Removed type TemperatureDifference since this is defined in SI
1.60, 2007-01-23 (Anton Haumer)
  • New parameter tapT defining Temperature of heatPort
1.5.0 2005-09-07 (Anton Haumer)
  • SemiLinear works fine
1.4.3 Beta 2005-06-20 (Anton Haumer)
  • Test of mixing / semiLinear
  • New test example: OneMass
  • New test example: TwoMass
1.4.2 Beta, 2005-06-18 (Anton Haumer)
  • New test example: ParallelPumpDropOut
1.4.0, 2005-06-13 (Anton Haumer)
  • Stable release
1.3.3 Beta, 2005-06-07 (Anton Haumer)
  • Corrected usage of simpleFlow
1.3.1 Beta, 2005/06/04 Anton Haumer
  • New example: PumpAndValve
  • New example: PumpDropOut
1.3.0 Beta, 2005-06-02 (Anton Haumer)
  • Friction losses are fed to medium
1.2.0 Beta, 2005-02-18 (Anton Haumer)
  • Introduced geodetic height in Components.Pipes
  • New models: Components.Valve, Sources.IdealPump
1.1.1, 2005-02-18 (Anton Haumer)
  • Corrected usage of cv and cp
1.1.0, 2005-02-15 (Anton Haumer)
  • Reorganisation of the package
1.0.0, 2005-02-01 (Anton Haumer)
  • First stable official release