
AC to DC converters


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.Control Control Control components for rectifiers
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2Pulse DiodeBridge2Pulse Two pulse Graetz diode rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2Pulse ThyristorBridge2Pulse Two pulse Graetz thyristor rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2Pulse HalfControlledBridge2Pulse Two pulse Graetz half controlled rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2Pulse DiodeCenterTap2Pulse Two pulse diode rectifier with center tap
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2Pulse ThyristorCenterTap2Pulse Two pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTapmPulse DiodeCenterTapmPulse m pulse diode rectifier with center tap
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTapmPulse ThyristorCenterTapmPulse m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2mPulse DiodeBridge2mPulse 2*m pulse diode rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2mPulse ThyristorBridge2mPulse 2*m pulse thyristor rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2mPulse HalfControlledBridge2mPulse 2*m pulse half controlled rectifier bridge
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2mPulse DiodeCenterTap2mPulse 2*m pulse diode rectifier with center tap
Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2mPulse ThyristorCenterTap2mPulse 2*m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2Pulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2Pulse

Two pulse Graetz diode rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a two pulse Graetz diode rectifier bridge. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2Pulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPin (Positive and negative AC pin), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


ac_pPositive AC input
ac_nNegative AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2Pulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2Pulse

Two pulse Graetz thyristor rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a two pulse Graetz thyristor rectifier bridge. The firing signal fire_p are connected with thyristor thyristor_p1 and thyristor_n2. The firing signal fire_n are connected with thyristor thyristor_p2 and thyristor_n1. See example Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2Pulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPin (Positive and negative AC pin), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable2 (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for two firing signals).


RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_p1Boolean start value of variable
offStart_p2Boolean start value of variable
offStart_n1Boolean start value of variable
offStart_n2Boolean start value of variable
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


ac_pPositive AC input
ac_nNegative AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
enableEnables fire and notFire
fire_pFiring signal of positive potential transistor
fire_nFiring signal of negative potential transistor

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2Pulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2Pulse

Two pulse Graetz half controlled rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a two pulse Graetz half controlled rectifier bridge. The firing signal fire_p is connected with thyristor thyristor_p1. The firing signal fire_n is connected with thyristor thyristor_p2. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2Pulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPin (Positive and negative AC pin), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable2 (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for two firing signals).


RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_p1Boolean start value of variable
offStart_p2Boolean start value of variable
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


ac_pPositive AC input
ac_nNegative AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
enableEnables fire and notFire
fire_pFiring signal of positive potential transistor
fire_nFiring signal of negative potential transistor

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2Pulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2Pulse

Two pulse diode rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a two pulse diode rectifier with center tap. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage with center tap is required. The center tap has to be connected with the negative pin of the load. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2Pulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPin (Positive and negative AC pin), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


ac_pPositive AC input
ac_nNegative AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2Pulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2Pulse

Two pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This a two pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage with center tap is required. The center tap has to be connected with the negative pin of the load. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2Pulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPin (Positive and negative AC pin), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable2 (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for two firing signals).


RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_pBoolean start value of variable
offStart_nBoolean start value of variable
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


ac_pPositive AC input
ac_nNegative AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
enableEnables fire and notFire
fire_pFiring signal of positive potential transistor
fire_nFiring signal of negative potential transistor

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTapmPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTapmPulse

m pulse diode rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept.

This is a m pulse diode rectifier with center tap. All voltage sources must have one interconnected plug (tap). This rectifiers works only with odd number of phases due the symmetry constrains of even phase numbers implemented in symmetricOrientation. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTapmPulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACplug (AC multi phase plug), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


mNumber of phases
RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


acAC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTapmPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTapmPulse

m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap. All voltage sources must have one interconnected plug (tap). This rectifiers works only with odd number of phases due the symmetry constrains of even phase numbers implemented in symmetricOrientation. See example Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTapmPulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACplug (AC multi phase plug), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable1m (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for m firing signals).


RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_p[:].off
mNumber of phases
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


acAC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
fire_p[m]Firing signals of positive potential transistors
enableEnables fire and notFire

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2mPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeBridge2mPulse

2*m pulse diode rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a 2*m pulse diode rectifier bridge. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage source with center tap is required. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierBridge2mPulse. It is important to note that for multi phase circuits with even phase numbers greater than three the MultiStarResistance shall be used for grounding the voltage sources.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACplug (AC multi phase plug), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


mNumber of phases
RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


acAC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2mPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorBridge2mPulse

2*m pulse thyristor rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a 2*m pulse thyristor rectifier bridge. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage source with center tap is required. It is important to note that for multi phase circuits with phase even phase numbers greater than three the MultiStarResistance shall be used for grounding the voltage sources. See example Examples.ACDC.RectifierBridge2mPulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACplug (AC multi phase plug), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable2m (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for 2*m firing signals).


RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_p[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_p[:].off
offStart_n[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_n[:].off
mNumber of phases
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


acAC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
fire_p[m]Firing signals of positive potential transistors
enableEnables fire and notFire
fire_n[m]Firing signals of negative potential transistors

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2mPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.HalfControlledBridge2mPulse

2*m pulse half controlled rectifier bridge


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a 2*m pulse half controlled rectifier bridge. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage source with center tap is required. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierBridge2mPulse. It is important to note that for multi phase circuits with even phase numbers greater than three the MultiStarResistance shall be used for grounding the voltage sources.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACplug (AC multi phase plug), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCtwoPin (Positive and negative DC pins), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable1m (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for m firing signals).


RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_p[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_p[:].off
mNumber of phases
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


acAC input
dc_pPositive DC output
dc_nNegative DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
fire_p[m]Firing signals of positive potential transistors
enableEnables fire and notFire

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2mPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.DiodeCenterTap2mPulse

2*m pulse diode rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a 2*m pulse diode rectifier with center tap. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage source with center tap is required. The center tap has to be connected with the negative pin of the load. The circuit topology is the same as in Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2mPulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPlug (Two AC multi phase plugs), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


mNumber of phases
RonDiodeClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffDiodeOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeDiodeDiode forward threshold voltage [V]
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


ac_pPositive potential AC input
ac_nNegative potential AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port

Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2mPulse Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.ACDC.ThyristorCenterTap2mPulse

2*m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap


General information about AC/DC converters can be found at the AC/DC converter concept

This is a 2*m pulse thyristor rectifier with center tap. In order to operate this rectifier a voltage source with center tap is required. The center tap has to be connected with the negative pin of the load. See example Examples.ACDC.RectifierCenterTap2mPulse.

Extends from Icons.Converter (Converter icon), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.ACtwoPlug (Two AC multi phase plugs), Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.Interfaces.ACDC.DCpin (Single DC pin), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network), Interfaces.Enable.Enable2m (Partial model providing enable parameter and optional enable input for 2*m firing signals).


RonThyristorClosed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
GoffThyristorOpened thyristor conductance [S]
VkneeThyristorThyristor forward threshold voltage [V]
offStart_p[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_p[:].off
offStart_n[m]Boolean start value of variable thyristor_n[:].off
mNumber of phases
useHeatPort=true, if heatPort is enabled
TFixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]
useConstantEnabletrue = disabled boolean input, use constantEnable
constantEnableConstant enabling of firing signals


ac_pPositive potential AC input
ac_nNegative potential AC input
dc_pPositive DC output
heatPortConditional heat port
fire_p[m]Firing signals of positive potential transistors
enableEnables fire and notFire
fire_n[m]Firing signals of negative potential transistors
Automatically generated Thu Dec 19 17:19:59 2019.