Package Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Hysteresis.​Components
Components to be used in examples


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

Transformer1PhaseWithHysteresisSingle Phase transformer with ferromagnetic core and hysteresis
Transformer3PhaseYyWithHysteresisThree phase transformer in Yy configuration

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Hysteresis.​Components.​Transformer1PhaseWithHysteresis
Single Phase transformer with ferromagnetic core and hysteresis


Simple model of a single phase transformer with a primary and a secondary winding and a magnetic core. The core is modeled with GenericHystTellinenEverett flux tube elements. Thus, this element considers static and dynamic hysteresis.

Fig. 1: Sketch of the modelled transformer with magnetic core, primary and secondary winding

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


IntegerN110Primary turns
LengthL12.4 * (a + b)Mean primary turn length
Lengthd15e-4Wire diameter of primary turns
Resistivityrho11.678e-8Resistivity of primary winding (at 20degC)
LinearTemperatureCoefficientalpha10Temperature coefficient of primary turns
IntegerN210Secondary turns
LengthL2L1Mean secondary turn length
Lengthd2d1Wire diameter of secondary turns
Resistivityrho2rho1Resistivity of secondary winding (at 20degC)
LinearTemperatureCoefficientalpha2alpha1Temperature coefficient of secondary turns
Lengthl10.04Mean Length l1 of core
Lengthl20.06Mean Length l2 of core
Lengtha0.015Height of core
Lengthb0.01Width of core
BaseDatamatFluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData()Parameter set of ferromagnetic Hysteresis
RealMagRelStart0Initial magnetization of Core (-1..1)
MagneticFieldStrengthHStart0Initial magnetic field strength of Core
ElectricCurrentI1Start0Initial primary current through winding
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanEddyCurrentsfalseEnable eddy currents
Conductivitysigmamat.​sigmaConductivity of core material
Lengtht5e-4Thickness of lamination
LengthL_l10.01Length of leakage of primary Winding
AreaA_l11e-5Cross section of leakage of primary Winding
Realmu_rel11Constant relative permeability of primary leakage (>0 required)
LengthL_l20.01Length of leakage of secondary Winding
AreaA_l21e-5Cross section of leakage of secondary Winding
Realmu_rel21Constant relative permeability of secondary leakage (>0 required)


NegativePinn1Negative pin of primary winding
PositivePinp1Positive pin of primary winding
NegativePinn2Negative pin of secondary winding
PositivePinp2Positive pin of secondary winding

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Hysteresis.​Components.​Transformer3PhaseYyWithHysteresis
Three phase transformer in Yy configuration


Simple model of a three phase transformer with primary and a secondary windings and a magnetic E-I shaped core. The core is modeled with GenericHystTellinenEverett flux tube elements. Thus, this model considers static and dynamic hysteresis as well as initial flux.

Fig. 1: Sketch of the modelled transformer with magnetic core, primary and secondary winding

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


IntegerN110Primary turns
LengthL12.4 * (a + b)Mean primary turn length
Lengthd15e-4Wire diameter of primary turns
Resistivityrho11.678e-8Resistivity of primary winding (at 20degC)
LinearTemperatureCoefficientalpha10Temperature coefficient of primary turns
IntegerN210Secondary turns
LengthL2L1Mean secondary turn length
Lengthd2d1Wire diameter of secondary turns
Resistivityrho2rho1Resistivity of secondary winding (at 20degC)
LinearTemperatureCoefficientalpha2alpha1Temperature coefficient of secondary turns
Lengthl10.04Mean length l1 of core
Lengthl20.06Mean length l2 of core
Lengtha0.015Height of core
Lengthb0.01Width of core
BaseDatamatFluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData()Core Material
RealMagRelStart[3]{0, 0, 0}Initial magnetization of Core (-1..1)
BooleanMagRelFixed[3]{false, false, false}Fixed
MagneticFieldStrengthHStart[3]{0, 0, 0}Initial magnetic field strength of Core
BooleanHFixed[3]{false, false, false}Fixed
ElectricCurrentI1Start[3]{0, 0, 0}Initial current of primary Windings
BooleanI1Fixed[3]{false, false, false}Fixed
ElectricCurrentI2Start[3]{0, 0, 0}Initial current of secondary Windings
BooleanI2Fixed[3]{false, false, false}Fixed
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanEddyCurrentsfalseEnable eddy currents
Conductivitysigmamat.​sigmaConductivity of core material
Lengtht5e-4Thickness of lamination
LengthL_l10.01Length of leakage of primary Winding
AreaA_l11e-5Cross section of leakage of primary Winding
Realmu_rel11Constant relative permeability of primary leakage (>0 required)
LengthL_l20.01Cross section of leakage of secondary Winding
AreaA_l21e-5Length of leakage of secondary Winding
Realmu_rel21Constant relative permeability of secondary leakage (>0 required)


PositivePinp1Primary winding 1
PositivePinp2Primary winding 2
PositivePinp3Primary winding 3
NegativePinn1Secondary winding 1
NegativePinn2Secondary winding 2
NegativePinn3Secondary winding 3
NegativePinstarPoint2Star point of secondary windings
NegativePinstarPoint1Star point of primary windings

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:56 EST by MapleSim.