Package Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets
Flux tube elements for modelling ferromagnetic hysteresis, eddy currents and permanent magnets


Please have a look at UsersGuide.Hysteresis for an explanation of the Content of the package.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Contents

GenericHystPreisachEverettGeneric flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Preisach model and the Everett function [Ya89])
GenericHystTellinenEverettGeneric flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and the Everett function [Ya89])
GenericHystTellinenHardGeneric flux tube with hard magnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and simple tanh()-functions
GenericHystTellinenPermanentMagnetPermanent magnet based on the Tellinen hysteresis model
GenericHystTellinenSoftGeneric flux tube with soft magnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and simple tanh()-functions
GenericHystTellinenTableGeneric flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and table data
GenericLinearPermanentMagnetPermanent Magnet with linear characteristic

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystTellinenSoft
Generic flux tube with soft magnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and simple tanh()-functions


Flux tube element for modeling soft magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Tellinen hysteresis model. The shape of the limiting hysteresis loop (see Fig. 1) is described by simple hyperbolic tangent functions with 4 parameters. Therefore, the hysteresis shape variety is limited but the parameterization of the model is very simple and the model is relatively fast and robust. The rising (hystR) and falling (hystF) branches of the limiting hysteresis loop are defined by the following equations.

Fig. 1: Hyperbolic tangent functions define the shape of the ferromagnetic (static) hysteresis

An overview over of available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresisTellinen (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


MagneticFluxDensityJs1.8Saturation polarization
RealK1mu_0 multiplier
Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigma1e+7Conductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystTellinenHard
Generic flux tube with hard magnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and simple tanh()-functions


Flux tube element for modeling the ferromagnetic (static) hysteresis of hard magnetic materials. The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Tellinen hysteresis model. The shape of the limiting hysteresis loop is described by simple hyperbolic tangent functions with 4 parameters.

Fig. 1: Hyperbolic tangent functions define the shape of the ferromagnetic (static) hysteresis

An overview of all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresisTellinen (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigma1e+7Conductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination
RealM10 / HcSlope of tanh()-function
RealK1mu_0 multiplier


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystTellinenEverett
Generic flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and the Everett function [Ya89])


Flux tube element for modeling soft magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Tellinen hysteresis model. The Shape of the limiting ferromagnetic hysteresis loop is specified by an analytical description of the Everett function, which is also used to parameterize the GenericHystPreisachEverett model. A library of predefined parameter sets can be found in FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.

An overview of all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresisTellinen (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


BaseDatamatFluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData()Material properties
Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigmamat.​sigmaConductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystTellinenTable
Generic flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Tellinen model and table data


Flux tube element for modeling magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Tellinen hysteresis model. The rising and falling branch of the limiting ferromagnetic hysteresis loop are specified by table data. Therefore, almost any hysteresis shapes are possible. A library with predefined tables can be found at FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisTableData.

An overview of all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresisTellinen (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


RealK1Slope of hysteresis in the saturation region (K*mu_0)
Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigmamat.​sigmaConductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystPreisachEverett
Generic flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Preisach model and the Everett function [Ya89])


Flux tube element for modeling magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Preisach hysteresis model. The Shape of the limiting ferromagnetic hysteresis loop is specified by an analytical description of the Everett function. A library of predefined parameter sets can be found in FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.

An overview over all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresis (Partial hysteresis model).


BaseDatamatFluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData()Preisach Parameters
IntegerCount100Length of history array
MagneticFieldStrengtheps1e-5Tolerance in Preisach history
Timet11e-6Initialization time
Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigmamat.​sigmaConductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericHystTellinenPermanentMagnet
Permanent magnet based on the Tellinen hysteresis model


Flux tube element for modeling the hard magnetic hysteresis of permanent magnets. The model is similar to GenericHystTellinenHard but has an initial magnetization preset of -100% and an adapted icon for better readability of the diagram.

An overview over all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGenericHysteresisTellinen (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
final TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false
BooleanincludeEddyCurrentsfalse=true, if eddy current losses are enabled
Conductivitysigma1e+7Conductivity of core material
Lengthd5e-4Thickness of lamination
RealMunitH * 10 / HcSlope of tanh()-function
RealK1mu_0 multiplier


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Shapes.​HysteresisAndMagnets.​GenericLinearPermanentMagnet
Permanent Magnet with linear characteristic


Simple model of a linear permanent Magnet. Typical characteristics of common permanent magnetic materials can be found at FluxTubes.Material.HardMagnetic.

An overview over all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

Extends from Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Interfaces.​PartialGeneric (Partial Tellinen hysteresis model).


Lengthl0.1Length in direction of flux
AreaA1e-4Area of cross section
final VolumeVA * lVolume of FluxTube


PositiveMagneticPortport_pPositive magnetic port
NegativeMagneticPortport_nNegative magnetic port

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:56 EST by MapleSim.