Calculation of fluid properties for Tetrafluoroethane (R134a) in the fluid region of 0.0039 bar (Triple pressure) to 700 bar and 169.85 Kelvin (Triple temperature) to 455 Kelvin.
The functions provided by this package shall be used inside of the restricted limits according to the referenced literature.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium
(Base class for two phase medium of one substance).
Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | Type for absolute pressure with medium specific attributes |
BaseProperties | Base properties of R134a |
Basic … | The most basic version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
beta | Alias for isobaricExpansionCoefficient for user convenience |
bubbleDensity | Density of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
bubbleEnthalpy | Specific enthalpy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
bubbleEntropy | Specific entropy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
Choices … |   |
CumulativeExtraProperty | Type for conserved integral of unspecified, mass specific property |
dBubbleDensity_dPressure | Derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dBubbleDensity_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure | Derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dBubbleEntropy_dPressure | Derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input |
dBubbleEntropy_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input |
dDewDensity_dPressure | Derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dDewDensity_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dDewEnthalpy_dPressure | Derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dDewEnthalpy_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
dDewEntropy_dPressure | Derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input |
dDewEntropy_dPressure_der_sat | Time derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input |
Density | Type for density with medium specific attributes |
density | Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input |
density_derh_p | Density derivative by specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input |
density_derp_h | Density derivative by pressure | use setState_phX function for input |
density_derp_T | Return density derivative w.r.t. pressure at const temperature |
density_derT_p | Return density derivative w.r.t. temperature at constant pressure |
density_derX | Return density derivative w.r.t. mass fraction |
density_ph | Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy |
density_phX | Return density from p, h, and X or Xi |
density_ps | Return density from p and s |
density_psX | Return density from p, s, and X or Xi |
density_pT | Return density from p and T |
density_pTX | Return density from p, T, and X or Xi |
DerDensityByEnthalpy | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to enthalpy with medium specific attributes |
DerDensityByPressure | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
DerDensityByTemperature | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to temperature with medium specific attributes |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | Type for partial derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
derivsOf_ph | Derivatives required for inversion of temperature and density functions |
DerTemperatureByPressure | Type for partial derivative of temperature with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
dewDensity | Density of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
dewEnthalpy | Specific enthalpy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
dewEntropy | Specific entropy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input |
DipoleMoment | Type for dipole moment with medium specific attributes |
dofpT | Compute d for given p and T |
dt_ph | Density and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy |
dtofphOnePhase | Density and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy in one-phase region |
dtofpsOnePhase | Inverse iteration in one phase region (d,T) = f(p,s) |
DynamicViscosity | Type for dynamic viscosity with medium specific attributes |
dynamicViscosity | Dynamic viscosity w.r.t. temperature and density | use setState_phX function for input |
EnthalpyFlowRate | Type for enthalpy flow rate with medium specific attributes |
ExtraProperty | Type for unspecified, mass-specific property transported by flow |
ExtraPropertyFlowRate | Type for flow rate of unspecified, mass-specific property |
f_R134a | Calculation of helmholtz derivatives by density and temperature |
fid_R134a | Helmholtz coefficients of ideal part |
FixedPhase | Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use |
FluidConstants |   |
FluidLimits | Validity limits for fluid model |
fres_R134a | Calculation of helmholtz derivatives |
getPhase_ph | Number of phases by pressure and specific enthalpy |
getPhase_ps | Number of phases by pressure and entropy |
heatCapacity_cp | Alias for deprecated name |
heatCapacity_cv | Alias for deprecated name |
hofpsTwoPhase | Isentropic specific enthalpy in two phase region h(p,s) |
hofpT | Compute h for given p and T |
IdealGas … | The ideal gas version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
isentropicEnthalpy | Isentropic enthalpy of downstream pressure and upstream thermodynamic state (specific entropy) |
IsentropicExponent | Type for isentropic exponent with medium specific attributes |
isentropicExponent | Isentropic exponent gamma w.r.t. thermodynamic state | not defined in two-phase region | use setState_phX function for input |
IsobaricExpansionCoefficient | Type for isobaric expansion coefficient with medium specific attributes |
isobaricExpansionCoefficient | Isobaric expansion coefficient w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) |
isothermalCompressibility | Isothermal compressibility w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) |
kappa | Alias of isothermalCompressibility for user convenience |
MassFlowRate | Type for mass flow rate with medium specific attributes |
MassFraction | Type for mass fraction with medium specific attributes |
MolarMass | Type for molar mass with medium specific attributes |
molarMass | Return the molar mass of the medium |
MolarVolume | Type for molar volume with medium specific attributes |
MoleFraction | Type for mole fraction with medium specific attributes |
phaseBoundaryAssert | Assert function for checking threshold to phase boundary |
PrandtlNumber | Type for Prandtl number with medium specific attributes |
prandtlNumber | Return the Prandtl number |
pressure | Pressure w.r.t. thermodynamic state |
pressure_dT | Return pressure from d and T |
R134a_liqofdT | Properties on liquid boundary phase |
R134a_vapofdT | Properties on vapor boundary phase |
rho_ph_der | Time derivative function of density_ph |
rho_props_ph | Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy |
saturationPressure | Saturation pressure w.r.t. temperature |
saturationPressure_sat | Return saturation temperature |
SaturationProperties |   |
saturationTemperature | Saturation temperature in two-phase region |
saturationTemperature_der_p | Time derivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region |
saturationTemperature_derp | Derivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region |
saturationTemperature_derp_sat | Return derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure |
saturationTemperature_sat | Return saturation temperature |
setBubbleState | Return the thermodynamic state on the bubble line |
setDewState | Return the thermodynamic state on the dew line |
setSat_p | Return saturation property record from pressure |
setSat_T | Return saturation property record from temperature |
setSmoothState | Smooth transition function between state_a and state_b |
setState_dT | Return thermodynamic state from d and T |
setState_dTX | Set state for density and temperature (X not used since single substance) |
setState_ph | Return thermodynamic state from p and h |
setState_phX | Set state for pressure and specific enthalpy (X not used since single substance) |
setState_ps | Return thermodynamic state from p and s |
setState_psX | Set state for pressure and specific entropy (X not used since single substance) |
setState_pT | Return thermodynamic state from p and T |
setState_pTX | Set state for pressure and temperature (X not used since single substance) |
setState_px | Return thermodynamic state from pressure and vapour quality |
setState_Tx | Return thermodynamic state from temperature and vapour quality |
SpecificEnergy | Type for specific energy with medium specific attributes |
SpecificEnthalpy | Type for specific enthalpy with medium specific attributes |
specificEnthalpy | Specific enthalpy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input |
specificEnthalpy_dT | Return specific enthalpy from d and T |
specificEnthalpy_ps | Return specific enthalpy from p and s |
specificEnthalpy_psX | Return specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi |
specificEnthalpy_pT | Return specific enthalpy from p and T |
specificEnthalpy_pTX | Return specific enthalpy from pressure, temperature and mass fraction |
SpecificEntropy | Type for specific entropy with medium specific attributes |
specificEntropy | Specific entropy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input if necessary |
specificEntropy_pTX | Return specific enthalpy from p, T, and X or Xi |
specificGibbsEnergy | Specific gibbs energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state |
SpecificHeatCapacity | Type for specific heat capacity with medium specific attributes |
specificHeatCapacityCp | Specific heat capacity at constant pressure | turns infinite in two-phase region! | use setState_phX function for input |
specificHeatCapacityCv | Specific heat capacity at constant volume | use setState_phX function for input |
specificHelmholtzEnergy | Helmholtz energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state |
SpecificInternalEnergy | Type for specific internal energy with medium specific attributes |
specificInternalEnergy | Specific internal energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state |
SurfaceTension | Type for surface tension with medium specific attributes |
surfaceTension | Surface tension as a function of temperature (below critical point) |
T_ph_der | Time derivative function of T_ph |
T_props_ph | Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy |
Temperature | Type for temperature with medium specific attributes |
temperature | Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input |
temperature_ph | Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy |
temperature_phX | Return temperature from p, h, and X or Xi |
temperature_ps | Return temperature from p and s |
temperature_psX | Return temperature from p, s, and X or Xi |
ThermalConductivity | Type for thermal conductivity with medium specific attributes |
thermalConductivity | Thermal conductivity w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input |
ThermodynamicState | Thermodynamic state |
TwoPhase … | The two phase fluid version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
vapourQuality | Return vapour quality |
VelocityOfSound | Type for velocity of sound with medium specific attributes |
velocityOfSound | Velocity of sound w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) |
Type | Name | Value | Description |
ExtraProperty | C_default[nC] | fill(0, nC) | Default value for trace substances of medium (for initialization) |
Real | C_nominal[nC] | 1e-6 * ones(nC) | Default for the nominal values for the extra properties |
Boolean | dT_explicit | false |   |
String | extraPropertiesNames[:] | fill("", 0) | Names of the additional (extra) transported properties. Set extraPropertiesNames=fill("",0) if unused |
final Boolean | fixedX | true | = true if medium contains the equation X = reference_X |
FluidConstants | fluidConstants[nS] | r134aConstants | Constant data for the fluid |
SpecificEnthalpy | h_default | 420000 | Default value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization) |
String | mediumName | "R134a_ph" | Name of the medium |
final Integer | nC | size(extraPropertiesNames, 1) | Number of extra (outside of standard mass-balance) transported properties |
final Integer | nS | size(substanceNames, 1) | Number of substances |
Integer | nX | nS | Number of mass fractions |
Integer | nXi | if fixedX then 0 else if reducedX then nS - 1 else nS | Number of structurally independent mass fractions (see docu for details) |
Boolean | onePhase | false | True if the (derived) model should never be called with two-phase inputs |
AbsolutePressure | p_default | 101325 | Default value for pressure of medium (for initialization) |
Boolean | ph_explicit | true |   |
final Boolean | reducedX | true | = true if medium contains the equation sum(X) = 1.0; set reducedX=true if only one substance (see docu for details) |
AbsolutePressure | reference_p | 101325 | Reference pressure of Medium: default 1 atmosphere |
Temperature | reference_T | 298.15 | Reference temperature of Medium: default 25 deg Celsius |
MassFraction | reference_X[nX] | fill(nX ^ (-1), nX) | Default mass fractions of medium |
Boolean | singleState | false | = true, if u and d are not a function of pressure |
Boolean | smoothModel | false | True if the (derived) model should not generate state events |
String | substanceNames[:] | {"tetrafluoroethan"} | Names of the mixture substances. Set substanceNames={mediumName} if only one substance. |
Temperature | T_default | Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_degC(20) | Default value for temperature of medium (for initialization) |
IndependentVariables | ThermoStates | | Enumeration type for independent variables |
MassFraction | X_default[nX] | reference_X | Default value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization) |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | p_default |
nominal | 1000000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Density
Name | Value |
quantity | "Density" |
unit | "kg/m3" |
displayUnit | "g/cm3" |
min | 0 |
max | 100000 |
start | 4 |
nominal | 500 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity
Name | Value |
quantity | "DynamicViscosity" |
unit | "Pa.s" |
min | 0 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | 0.001 |
nominal | 0.001 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.EnthalpyFlowRate
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnthalpyFlowRate" |
unit | "W" |
min | -1e+8 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassFraction" |
unit | "kg/kg" |
min | 0 |
max | 1 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 0.1 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MoleFraction" |
unit | "mol/mol" |
min | 0 |
max | 1 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 0.1 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarMass" |
unit | "kg/mol" |
min | 0.001 |
max | 0.25 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 0.032 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MolarVolume
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarVolume" |
unit | "m3/mol" |
min | 1e-6 |
max | 1000000 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities
Name | Value |
quantity | "RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities" |
unit | "1" |
min | 1 |
max | 500000 |
start | 1.2 |
nominal | 1.2 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -1e+8 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1000000 |
Extends from Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.SpecificEnergy
(Type for specific energy with medium specific attributes).
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -1e+8 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1000000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -1e+10 |
max | 1e+10 |
start | h_default |
nominal | 500000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEntropy" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -1e+7 |
max | 1e+7 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | 0 |
max | 1e+7 |
start | 1000 |
nominal | 1000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SurfaceTension
Name | Value |
quantity | "SurfaceTension" |
unit | "N/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Temperature
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 1 |
max | 10000 |
start | T_default |
nominal | 350 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalConductivity" |
unit | "W/(m.K)" |
min | 0 |
max | 500 |
start | 1 |
nominal | 1 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.PrandtlNumber
Name | Value |
quantity | "PrandtlNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | 0.001 |
max | 100000 |
start | 0. |
nominal | 1 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Velocity
Name | Value |
quantity | "Velocity" |
unit | "m/s" |
min | 0 |
max | 100000 |
start | 1000 |
nominal | 1000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 1 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 1 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "kg/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "1/K" |
min | 0 |
max | 1e+8 |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricDipoleMoment" |
unit | "debye" |
min | 0 |
max | 2 |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DerDensityByPressure
Name | Value |
unit | "s2/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DerDensityByEnthalpy
Name | Value |
unit | "kg.s2/m5" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DerEnthalpyByPressure
Name | Value |
unit | "J.m.s2/kg2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DerDensityByTemperature
Name | Value |
unit | "kg/(m3.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "K/Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
This icon is indicates a record.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.SaturationProperties
(Saturation properties of two phase medium).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | psat | Saturation pressure |
Temperature | Tsat | Saturation temperature |
The minimum pressure mostly applies to the liquid state only. The minimum density is also arbitrary, but is reasonable for technical applications to limit iterations in non-linear systems. The limits in enthalpy and entropy are used as safeguards in inverse iterations.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | TMIN | Minimum temperature |
Temperature | TMAX | Maximum temperature |
Density | DMIN | Minimum density |
Density | DMAX | Maximum density |
AbsolutePressure | PMIN | Minimum pressure |
AbsolutePressure | PMAX | Maximum pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | HMIN | Minimum enthalpy |
SpecificEnthalpy | HMAX | Maximum enthalpy |
SpecificEntropy | SMIN | Minimum entropy |
SpecificEntropy | SMAX | Maximum entropy |
Extends from Integer
Name | Value |
min | 0 |
max | 2 |
start | 0 |
This icon is indicates a record.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.TwoPhase.FluidConstants
(Extended fluid constants).
Type | Name | Description |
String | iupacName | Complete IUPAC name (or common name, if non-existent) |
String | casRegistryNumber | Chemical abstracts sequencing number (if it exists) |
String | chemicalFormula | Chemical formula, (brutto, nomenclature according to Hill |
String | structureFormula | Chemical structure formula |
MolarMass | molarMass | Molar mass |
Temperature | criticalTemperature | Critical temperature |
AbsolutePressure | criticalPressure | Critical pressure |
MolarVolume | criticalMolarVolume | Critical molar Volume |
Real | acentricFactor | Pitzer acentric factor |
Temperature | triplePointTemperature | Triple point temperature |
AbsolutePressure | triplePointPressure | Triple point pressure |
Temperature | meltingPoint | Melting point at 101325 Pa |
Temperature | normalBoilingPoint | Normal boiling point (at 101325 Pa) |
DipoleMoment | dipoleMoment | Dipole moment of molecule in Debye (1 debye = 3.33564e10-30 C.m) |
Boolean | hasIdealGasHeatCapacity | True if ideal gas heat capacity is available |
Boolean | hasCriticalData | True if critical data are known |
Boolean | hasDipoleMoment | True if a dipole moment known |
Boolean | hasFundamentalEquation | True if a fundamental equation |
Boolean | hasLiquidHeatCapacity | True if liquid heat capacity is available |
Boolean | hasSolidHeatCapacity | True if solid heat capacity is available |
Boolean | hasAccurateViscosityData | True if accurate data for a viscosity function is available |
Boolean | hasAccurateConductivityData | True if accurate data for thermal conductivity is available |
Boolean | hasVapourPressureCurve | True if vapour pressure data, e.g., Antoine coefficients are known |
Boolean | hasAcentricFactor | True if Pitzer acentric factor is known |
SpecificEnthalpy | HCRIT0 | Critical specific enthalpy of the fundamental equation |
SpecificEntropy | SCRIT0 | Critical specific entropy of the fundamental equation |
SpecificEnthalpy | deltah | Difference between specific enthalpy model (h_m) and f.eq. (h_f) (h_m - h_f) |
SpecificEntropy | deltas | Difference between specific enthalpy model (s_m) and f.eq. (s_f) (s_m - s_f) |
This icon is indicates a record.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.ThermodynamicState
(Thermodynamic state of two phase medium).
Type | Name | Description |
FixedPhase | phase | Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Model BaseProperties is a model within package PartialMedium and contains the declarations of the minimum number of variables that every medium model is supposed to support. A specific medium inherits from model BaseProperties and provides the equations for the basic properties.
The BaseProperties model contains the following 7+nXi variables (nXi is the number of independent mass fractions defined in package PartialMedium):
Variable | Unit | Description |
T | K | temperature |
p | Pa | absolute pressure |
d | kg/m3 | density |
h | J/kg | specific enthalpy |
u | J/kg | specific internal energy |
Xi[nXi] | kg/kg | independent mass fractions m_i/m |
R | J/kg.K | gas constant |
M | kg/mol | molar mass |
In order to implement an actual medium model, one can extend from this base model and add 5 equations that provide relations among these variables. Equations will also have to be added in order to set all the variables within the ThermodynamicState record state.
If standardOrderComponents=true, the full composition vector X[nX] is determined by the equations contained in this base class, depending on the independent mass fraction vector Xi[nXi].
Additional 2 + nXi equations will have to be provided when using the BaseProperties model, in order to fully specify the thermodynamic conditions. The input connector qualifier applied to p, h, and nXi indirectly declares the number of missing equations, permitting advanced equation balance checking by Modelica tools. Please note that this doesn't mean that the additional equations should be connection equations, nor that exactly those variables should be supplied, in order to complete the model. For further information, see the Modelica.Media User's guide, and Section 4.7 (Balanced Models) of the Modelica 3.0 specification.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.BaseProperties
(Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, R, MM, sat) of two phase medium).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | preferredMediumStates | false | = true if StateSelect.prefer shall be used for the independent property variables of the medium |
final Boolean | standardOrderComponents | true | If true, and reducedX = true, the last element of X will be computed from the other ones |
Type | Name | Description |
input InputAbsolutePressure | p | Absolute pressure of medium |
input InputMassFraction | Xi[nXi] | Structurally independent mass fractions |
input InputSpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy of medium |
This function should be used by default in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record used as input by many functions.
parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p = 3e5; parameter Medium.Temperature T = 290; Medium.Density rho; equation rho = Medium.density(setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0, Medium.nX)));
Please note, that in contrast to setState_phX, setState_dTX and setState_psX this function can not calculate properties in the two-phase region since pressure and temperature are dependent variables. A guard function will be called if the temperature difference to the phase boundary is lower than 1K or the pressure difference to the critical pressure is lower than 1000 Pa.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setState_pTX
(Return thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This function should be used by default in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record used as input by many functions.
parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p = 3e5; parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h = 4.2e5; Medium.Density rho; equation rho = Medium.density(setState_phX(p, h, fill(0, Medium.nX)));
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setState_phX
(Return thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This function may be used in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record used as input by many functions. It will calculate the missing states:
parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p = 3e5; parameter Medium.SpecficEntropy s = 1.7e3; Medium.SpecficEnthalpy h; equation h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(setState_psX(p, s, fill(0, Medium.nX)));
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setState_psX
(Return thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Although the medium package is explicit for pressure and specific enthalpy, this function may be used in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record used as input by many functions. It will calculate the missing states:
parameter Medium.Density d = 4; parameter Medium.Temperature T = 298; Medium.SpecficEntropy s; equation s = Medium.specificEntropy(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0, Medium.nX)));
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setState_dTX
(Return thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi).
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This function is used to approximate the equation
state = if x > 0 then state_a else state_b;
by a smooth characteristic, so that the expression is continuous and differentiable:
state := smooth(1, if x > x_small then state_a else if x < -x_small then state_b else f(state_a, state_b));
This is performed by applying function Media.Common.smoothStep(..) on every element of the thermodynamic state record.
If mass fractions X[:] are approximated with this function then this can be performed for all nX mass fractions, instead of applying it for nX-1 mass fractions and computing the last one by the mass fraction constraint sum(X)=1. The reason is that the approximating function has the property that sum(state.X) = 1, provided sum(state_a.X) = sum(state_b.X) = 1. This can be shown by evaluating the approximating function in the abs(x) < x_small region (otherwise state.X is either state_a.X or state_b.X):
X[1] = smoothStep(x, X_a[1] , X_b[1] , x_small); X[2] = smoothStep(x, X_a[2] , X_b[2] , x_small); ... X[nX] = smoothStep(x, X_a[nX], X_b[nX], x_small);
X[1] = c*(X_a[1] - X_b[1]) + (X_a[1] + X_b[1])/2 X[2] = c*(X_a[2] - X_b[2]) + (X_a[2] + X_b[2])/2; ... X[nX] = c*(X_a[nX] - X_b[nX]) + (X_a[nX] + X_b[nX])/2; c = (x/x_small)*((x/x_small)^2 - 3)/4
Summing all mass fractions together results in
sum(X) = c*(sum(X_a) - sum(X_b)) + (sum(X_a) + sum(X_b))/2 = c*(1 - 1) + (1 + 1)/2 = 1
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setSmoothState
(Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | x | m_flow or dp |
ThermodynamicState | state_a | Thermodynamic state if x > 0 |
ThermodynamicState | state_b | Thermodynamic state if x < 0 |
Real | x_small | Smooth transition in the region -x_small < x < x_small |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Smooth thermodynamic state for all x (continuous and differentiable) |
This function calculates the dynamic viscosity of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The dynamic viscosity is modelled by the corresponding states method of Klein, McLinden and Laesecke (1997).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dynamicViscosity
(Return dynamic viscosity).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity |
This function calculates the thermal conductivity of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The thermal conductivity is modelled by the corresponding states model of McLinden, Klein. and Perkins (2000).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.thermalConductivity
(Return thermal conductivity).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermalConductivity | lambda | Thermal conductivity |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
PrandtlNumber | Pr | Prandtl number |
This function is included for the sake of completeness.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.pressure
(Return pressure).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
This function calculates the Kelvin temperature of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The temperature is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.temperature
(Return temperature).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This function calculates the density of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The density is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.density
(Return density).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This function is included for the sake of completeness.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificEnthalpy
(Return specific enthalpy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
This function calculates the specific internal energy of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific internal energy is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificInternalEnergy
(Return specific internal energy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnergy | u | Specific internal energy |
This function calculates the specific entropy of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific entropy is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificEntropy
(Return specific entropy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
This function calculates the specific Gibbs energy of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isentropic exponent is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificGibbsEnergy
(Return specific Gibbs energy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnergy | g | Specific Gibbs energy |
This function calculates the specific Helmholtz energy of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The Helmholtz energy is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificHelmholtzEnergy
(Return specific Helmholtz energy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnergy | f | Specific Helmholtz energy |
This function calculates the specific heat capacity of R134a at constant pressure from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific heat capacity is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificHeatCapacityCp
(Return specific heat capacity at constant pressure).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificHeatCapacity | cp | Specific heat capacity at constant pressure |
This function calculates the specific heat capacity of R134a at constant pressure from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific heat capacity is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.specificHeatCapacityCp
(Specific heat capacity at constant pressure | turns infinite in two-phase region! | use setState_phX function for input).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificHeatCapacity | cp | Specific heat capacity at constant pressure |
This function calculates the specific heat capacity of R134a at constant volume from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific heat capacity is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Please note, that the function can also be called in the two-phase region, but the output is not continuous for a phase transition (see Tillner-Roth and Baehr, 1994). Values in two-phase region are considerably higher than in one-phase domain. The following figure just shows one-phase properties.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.specificHeatCapacityCv
(Return specific heat capacity at constant volume).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificHeatCapacity | cv | Specific heat capacity at constant volume |
This function calculates the specific heat capacity of R134a at constant volume from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific heat capacity is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Please note, that the function can also be called in the two-phase region, but the output is not continuous for a phase transition (see Tillner-Roth and Baehr, 1994). Values in two-phase region are considerably higher than in one-phase domain. The following figure just shows one-phase properties.
Extends from Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.specificHeatCapacityCv
(Specific heat capacity at constant volume | use setState_phX function for input).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificHeatCapacity | cv | Specific heat capacity at constant volume |
This function calculates the isentropic exponent of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isentropic exponent is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.isentropicExponent
(Return isentropic exponent).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
IsentropicExponent | gamma | Isentropic exponent |
This function calculates the specific enthalpy of R134a for an isentropic pressure change from refState.p to p_downstream (e.g., use setState_phX function for input of refState).
The function can be used for instance to calculate an isentropic efficiency of a compressor or calculate the power consumption (obtained from the isentropic enthalpy) for a given efficiency.
Medium.AbsolutePressure p_downstream=10e5; Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h_downstream=4.1e5; Medium.AbsolutePressure p_upstream=3e5; Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h_upstream=4.0e5; // Isentropic efficiency of a compressor: Real eta_is; equation h_is = isentropicEnthalpy(p_downstream, Medium.setState_phX(p_upstream, h_upstream)); eta_is = (h_is-h_upstream)/(h_downstream - h_upstream);
The isentropic efficiency function should not be applied in liquid region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.isentropicEnthalpy
(Return isentropic enthalpy).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p_downstream | Downstream pressure |
ThermodynamicState | refState | Reference state for entropy |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h_is | Isentropic enthalpy |
This function calculates the velocity of sound of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The velocity of sound is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.velocityOfSound
(Return velocity of sound).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
VelocityOfSound | a | Velocity of sound |
This function calculates the isobaric expansion coefficient of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isobaric expansion coefficient is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.isobaricExpansionCoefficient
(Return overall the isobaric expansion coefficient beta).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
IsobaricExpansionCoefficient | beta | Isobaric expansion coefficient |
This function calculates the isobaric expansion coefficient of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isobaric expansion coefficient is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.isobaricExpansionCoefficient
(Isobaric expansion coefficient w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase)).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
IsobaricExpansionCoefficient | beta | Isobaric expansion coefficient |
This function calculates the isothermal compressibility of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isothermal compressibility is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.isothermalCompressibility
(Return overall the isothermal compressibility factor).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
IsothermalCompressibility | kappa | Isothermal compressibility |
This function calculates the isothermal compressibility of R134a from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The isothermal compressibility is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
This property is only defined in one-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.isothermalCompressibility
(Isothermal compressibility w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase)).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
IsothermalCompressibility | kappa | Isothermal compressibility |
This function calculates the density derivative w.r.t. absolute pressure at constant specific enthalpy of R134a (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The derivative is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994). It can be used for manual state transformations (e.g. from density to pressure).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.density_derp_h
(Return density derivative w.r.t. pressure at const specific enthalpy).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | ddph | Density derivative w.r.t. pressure |
This function calculates the density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy at constant pressure of R134a (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The derivative is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994). It can be used for manual state transformations (e.g. from density to specific enthalpy).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.density_derh_p
(Return density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy at constant pressure).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByEnthalpy | ddhp | Density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | ddpT | Density derivative w.r.t. pressure |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByTemperature | ddTp | Density derivative w.r.t. temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dddX[nX] | Derivative of density w.r.t. mass fraction |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialPureSubstance.molarMass
(Return the molar mass of the medium).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
MolarMass | MM | Mixture molar mass |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy at p, T, X |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
MassFraction | X[:] | Mass fractions |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassFlowRate." + mediumName |
unit | "kg/s" |
min | -100000 |
max | 100000 |
start | 0. |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This function calculates the density of R134a from the state variables p (absolute pressure) and h (specific enthalpy). The density is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Integer | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This function calculates the Kelvin temperature of R134a from the state variables p (absolute pressure) and h (specific enthalpy). The temperature is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Integer | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
FixedPhase | phase | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This function shall be used in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record for the vapor phase boundary. It requires the saturation record as input which can be determined by both functions setSat_p and setSat_T:
Medium.AbsolutePressure p=3e5; // Viscosity on the vapor phase boundary Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_vap; equation eta_vap = Medium.DynamicViscosity(Medium.setBubbleState(Medium.setSat_p(p)));
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setDewState
(Return the thermodynamic state on the dew line).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation point |
FixedPhase | phase | Phase: default is one phase |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Complete thermodynamic state info |
This function shall be used in order to calculate the thermodynamic state record for the liquid phase boundary. It requires the saturation record as input which can be determined by both functions setSat_p and setSat_T:
Medium.AbsolutePressure p=3e5; // Viscosity on the liquid phase boundary Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_liq; equation eta_liq = Medium.DynamicViscosity(Medium.setBubbleState(Medium.setSat_p(p)));
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.setBubbleState
(Return the thermodynamic state on the bubble line).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation point |
FixedPhase | phase | Phase: default is one phase |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Complete thermodynamic state info |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
This function calculates the liquid phase enthalpy of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.bubbleEnthalpy
(Return bubble point specific enthalpy).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | hl | Boiling curve specific enthalpy |
This function calculates the vapor phase enthalpy of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dewEnthalpy
(Return dew point specific enthalpy).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | hv | Dew curve specific enthalpy |
This function calculates the liquid phase entropy of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.bubbleEntropy
(Return bubble point specific entropy).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | sl | Boiling curve specific entropy |
This function calculates the vapor phase entropy of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dewEntropy
(Return dew point specific entropy).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | sv | Dew curve specific entropy |
This function calculates the liquid phase density of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.bubbleDensity
(Return bubble point density).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dl | Boiling curve density |
This function calculates the vapor phase density of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dewDensity
(Return dew point density).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dv | Dew curve density |
This function calculates the saturation pressure of R134a from the state variable T (temperature). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.saturationPressure
(Return saturation pressure).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Saturation pressure |
This function calculates the saturation temperature of R134a from the state variable p (absolute pressure). It is modelled by cubic splines which are fitted with non-equidistant grid points derived from the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994) and the Maxwell criteria.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.saturationTemperature
(Return saturation temperature).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Saturation temperature |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Saturation pressure |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Saturation temperature |
This function calculates the derivative of saturation temperature of R134a with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is saturatuionTemperature.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.saturationTemperature_derp
(Return derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
DerTemperatureByPressure | dTp | Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerTemperatureByPressure | dTp | Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure |
This function calculates the surface tension of R134a from the saturation record (e.g., use setSat_T function for input). The property is modelled by an approach of Okada and Higashi (1994).
This property is only defined in two-phase region.
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.surfaceTension
(Return surface tension sigma in the two phase region).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SurfaceTension | sigma | Surface tension sigma in the two phase region |
This function calculates the derivative of liquid density of R134a in the two-phase region with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is bubbleDensity.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dBubbleDensity_dPressure
(Return bubble point density derivative).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | ddldp | Boiling curve density derivative |
This function calculates the derivative of vapor density of R134a in two-phase region with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is dewDensity.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dDewDensity_dPressure
(Return dew point density derivative).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | ddvdp | Saturated steam density derivative |
This function calculates the derivative of liquid enthalpy of R134a with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is bubbleEnthalpy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure
(Return bubble point specific enthalpy derivative).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | dhldp | Boiling curve specific enthalpy derivative |
This function calculates the derivative of vapor enthalpy of R134a in the two-phase region with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is dewEnthalpy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.dDewEnthalpy_dPressure
(Return dew point specific enthalpy derivative).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation property record |
Type | Name | Description |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | dhvdp | Saturated steam specific enthalpy derivative |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
MassFraction | x | Vapour quality |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
MassFraction | x | Vapour quality |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ThermodynamicState | state | Thermodynamic state record |
Type | Name | Description |
MassFraction | x | Vapour quality |
This function calculates the time derivative of saturation temperature of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is saturatuionTemperature.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
Real | der_p | Time derivative of pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_Tsat | Time derivative of saturation temperature |
This function calculates the time derivative of liquid density of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is bubbleDensity.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_ddldp | Time derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the time derivative of vapor density of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is dewDensity.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_ddvdp | Time derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the time derivative of liquid specific enthalpy of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is bubbleEnthalpy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_dhldp | Time derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the time derivative of vapor enthalpy of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is dewEnthalpy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_dhvdp | Derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the derivative of vapor entropy of R134a with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is dewEntropy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dsvdp | Derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the time derivative of vapor specific entropy of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is dewEntropy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_dsvdp | Derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the derivative of liquid entropy of R134a with regard to the state variable p (absolute pressure). The non-derivative function is bubbleEntropy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dsldp | Derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the time derivative of liquid specific entropy of R134a with regard to the time derivative of p. The non-derivative function is bubbleEntropy.
It is only valid in the two-phase region (i.e., ptriple ≤ p ≤ pcrit ).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
SaturationProperties | sat | Saturation properties | pressure is used for interpolation |
SaturationProperties | der_sat | Derivative of saturation properties |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_dsldp | Derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure |
This function calculates the derivatives required for an inversion of temperature and density function.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Integer | phase | Number of phases |
Type | Name | Description |
InverseDerivatives_rhoT | derivs | Inverse derivatives for density and temperature |
This function calculates the density and temperature of R134a from absolute pressure and specific enthalpy. In one-phase region the function calls the fundamental Helmholtz equation of Tillner-Roth (1994). In two-phase the density and temperature is computed from cubic splines for saturated pressure, liquid and vapor density.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This function calculates the density and temperature of R134a from absolute pressure and specific enthalpy in one-phase region. The function calls the fundamental Helmholtz equation of Tillner-Roth (1994) which is requiring density and temperature for input. Thus, a newton iteration is performed to determine density and temperature. The newton iteration stops if the inputs for pressure difference delp and specific enthalpy difference delh are larger than the actual differences derived from the newton iteration.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Enthalpy |
AbsolutePressure | delp | Absolute error in p in iteration |
SpecificEnthalpy | delh | Absolute error in h in iteration |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Integer | error | 1 if did not converged |
This function calculates the density and temperature of R134a from absolute pressure and specific entropy in one-phase region. The function calls the fundamental helmholtz equation of Tillner-Roth (1994) which is requiring density and temperature for input. Thus, a newton iteration is performed to determine density and temperature. The newton iteration stops if the inputs for pressure difference delp and specific entropy difference dels are larger than the actual differences derived from the newton iteration.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
AbsolutePressure | delp | Absolute iteration accuracy |
SpecificEntropy | dels | Absolute iteration accuracy |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Integer | error | Error flag: trouble if different from 0 |
This function adds the ideal gas contribution of the fundamental equation to the residual contribution and computes the helmholtz derivatives w.r.t. temperature and density.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
HelmholtzDerivs | f | Helmholtz derivatives |
This function computes the ideal gas helmholtz derivatives of the fundamental equation of Tillner-Roth and Baehr for R134a (1994) w.r.t. to reduced temperature (tau=T_crit/T) and reduced density (delta=rho/rho_crit).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | delta | Reduced density (delta=d/dcrit) |
Real | tau | Reduced temperature (tau=Tcrit/T) |
Type | Name | Description |
HelmholtzDerivs | fid | Helmholtz derivatives of ideal part |
This function computes the residual helmholtz derivatives of the fundamental equation of Tillner-Roth and Baehr for R134a (1994) w.r.t. to reduced temperature (tau=T_crit/T) and reduced density (delta=rho/rho_crit). The function can be used for special properties depending just on the residual derivative parts.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | delta | Reduced density (delta=d/dcrit) |
Real | tau | Reduced temperature (tau=Tcrit/T) |
Type | Name | Description |
HelmholtzDerivs | f | Helmholtz derivatives |
This function computes the number of phases for R134a depending on the inputs for absolute pressure and specific enthalpy. It makes use of cubic spline functions for liquid and vapor specific enthalpy.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | phase | Number of phases |
This function computes the number of phases for R134a depending on the inputs for absolute pressure and specific entropy. It makes use of cubic spline functions for liquid and vapor specific entropy.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | phase | Number of phases |
This function computes the specific enthalpy in two-phase for R134a depending on the inputs for absolute pressure and specific entropy. It makes use of cubic spline functions for liquid and vapor specific enthalpy as well as specific entropy.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEntropy | s | Specific entropy |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
PhaseBoundaryProperties | liq | Properties on liquid boundary phase |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
PhaseBoundaryProperties | vap | Properties on vapor boundary phase |
This function calculates the derivative of density w.r.t. time. It is used as derivative function for rho_props_ph.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
InverseDerivatives_rhoT | derivs | Record for derivatives |
Real | p_der | Derivative of pressure |
Real | h_der | Derivative of specific enthalpy |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | d_der | Derivative of density |
This function integrates the derivative of density w.r.t. time in order to allow a numerical inversion for the complex fundamental equation of state.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
InverseDerivatives_rhoT | derivs | Record for the calculation of rho_ph_der |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This function calculates the derivative of temperature w.r.t. time. It is used as derivative function for T_props_ph.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
InverseDerivatives_rhoT | derivs | Auxiliary record |
Real | p_der | Derivative of pressure |
Real | h_der | Derivative of specific enthalpy |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | T_der | Derivative of temperature |
This function integrates the derivative of temperature w.r.t. time in order to allow a numerical inversion for the complex fundamental equation of state.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | p | Pressure |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific enthalpy |
InverseDerivatives_rhoT | derivs | Record for the calculation of T_ph_der |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
This function calculates the density of R134a from absolute pressure and temperature. The function can only be executed in one-phase region. The safety margin to the phase boundary is 1[K] and 1000[Pa].
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Pressure | delp | Iteration converged if (p-pre(p) < delp) |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | Density |
This function calculates the specific enthalpy of R134a from absolute pressure and temperature. The function can only be executed in one-phase region. The safety margin to the phase boundary is 1[K] and 1000[Pa].
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure |
Temperature | T | Temperature |
Pressure | delp | Iteration converged if (p-pre(p) < delp) |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Specific Enthalpy |
This function is used as a guard for property functions using pTX as an input. Property functions for two-phase media using pressure and temperature as inputs shall not be used close to the phase boundary in order to avoid errors and high deviations for just small deviations in the input arguments. The refrigerant state can not be determined in the two-phase region using pressure and temperature.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Refrigerant pressure |
Temperature | T | Refrigerant temperature |
Generated 2018-12-12 12:14:19 EST by MapleSim.