
Motor inertia and gearbox model for r3 joints 1,2,3



This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Models the gearbox used in the first three joints with all its effects, like elasticity and friction. Coulomb friction is approximated by a friction element acting at the "motor"-side. In reality, bearing friction should be also incorporated at the driven side of the gearbox. However, this would require considerable more effort for the measurement of the friction parameters. Default values for all parameters are given for joint 1. Model relativeStates is used to define the relative angle and relative angular velocity across the spring (=gear elasticity) as state variables. The reason is, that a default initial value of zero of these states makes always sense. If the absolute angle and the absolute angular velocity of model Jmotor would be used as states, and the load angle (= joint angle of robot) is NOT zero, one has always to ensure that the initial values of the motor angle and of the joint angle are modified correspondingly. Otherwise, the spring has an unrealistic deflection at initial time. Since relative quantities are used as state variables, this simplifies the definition of initial values considerably.

Parameters (6)


Value: -105

Type: Real

Description: Gear ratio


Value: 43

Type: Real (N·m/rad)

Description: Spring constant


Value: 0.005

Type: Real (N·m·s/rad)

Description: Damper constant


Value: 0.4

Type: Torque (N·m)

Description: Viscous friction torque at zero velocity


Value: 0.13 / 160

Type: Real (N·m·s/rad)

Description: Viscous friction coefficient (R=Rv0+Rv1*abs(qd))


Value: 1

Type: Real

Description: Maximum static friction torque is peak*Rv0 (peak >= 1)

Connectors (2)


Type: Flange_a

Description: Flange of left shaft


Type: Flange_b

Description: Flange of right shaft

Components (3)


Type: IdealGear


Type: SpringDamper


Type: BearingFriction