
Components that define joints by constraints

Package Contents


Prismatic cut-joint and translational directions may be constrained or released


Revolute cut-joint and translational directions may be constrained or released


Spherical cut joint and translational directions may be constrained or released


Universal cut-joint and translational directions may be constrained or released


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This package contains constraint components, that is, idealized, massless elements that constrain the motion between frames by means of kinematic constraints. The constraint elements are especially aimed to be used for multibody models which contain kinematic loops. Usually, kinematic loops are automatically handled. However, the performance might be improved by either solving certain kinds of loops analytically with the help of the components of subpackage Assemblies, or by providing numerically better loop constraint formulations with the help of the components of this subpackage.