
Super-sample the clocked Real input signal and provide it as clocked output signal


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This block super-samples the clocked Real input signal u and provides it as clocked output signal y.

To be more precise: The clock of y is factor-times faster than the clock of u. At every tick of the clock of y, the value of y is set to the value of u from the last tick of the clock of u. The first activation of the clock of y coincides with the first activation of the clock of u. By default, the super-sampling factor is inferred, that is, it must be defined somewhere else. If parameter inferFactor = false, then the super-sampling factor is defined by Integer parameter factor.

For control applications this block introduces unnecessary "vibrations". In such a case it is better to use block SuperSampleInterpolated instead.


The following example samples a sine signal with a periodic clock of 20 ms period, and then super-samples the resulting clocked signal with a factor of 3:

SuperSample_Model.png     SuperSample_Result.png
model simulation result

As can be seen, superSample introduces factor-1 additional clock ticks for the output y. The super-sampling factor = 3 is displayed in the icon of the superSample block. Note the up-arrow in the icon of the superSample block indicates that the clock of superSample.y is faster as the clock of superSample.u.

Parameters (2)


Value: true

Type: Boolean

Description: = true, if super-sampling factor is inferred


Value: 1

Type: Integer

Description: Super-sampling factor >= 1 (ignored if inferFactor=true)

Connectors (2)


Type: RealInput

Description: Connector of clocked, Real input signal


Type: RealOutput

Description: Connector of clocked, Real output signal (clock of y is faster as clock of u)

Used in Examples (4)



Drive with clocked cascade controller where clocks are defined with sub-sampling and partitions with super-sampling



Drive with clocked cascade controller where fastest partition is defined with a clock and slower partition is defined with super-sampling



Drive with clocked cascade controller where all partitions are defined with exact (integer) clock that need to be compatible to each other



Example of a SuperSample block for Real signals