Package Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe
Icon for package containing variants


Straight pipe

Laminar flow

Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe at an uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux and for a hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar fluid flow. See more information.

Turbulent flow

Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe for a hydrodynamically developed turbulent fluid flow at uniform wall temperature or See more information.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Contents

kc_laminarMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar flow regime
kc_laminar_IN_conInput record for function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC
kc_laminar_IN_varInput record for function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC
kc_laminar_KCMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar flow regime
kc_overallMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall flow regime| pressure loss dependence
kc_overall_IN_conInput record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC
kc_overall_IN_varInput record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC
kc_overall_KCMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall flow regime| pressure loss dependence
kc_turbulentMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow regime | pressure loss dependence
kc_turbulent_IN_conInput record for function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC
kc_turbulent_IN_varInput record for function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC
kc_turbulent_KCMean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow regime | pressure loss dependence
kc_twoPhaseOverall_KCLocal two phase heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | horizontal or vertical boiling | horizontal condensation
kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC_IN_conInput record for function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC
kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC_IN_varInput record for function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_laminar
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar flow regime


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe at an uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux and for a hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar fluid flow. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_laminar_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_laminar
kc_laminar_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_laminar


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient
PrandtlNumberPrPrandtl number
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningful results

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_laminar_KC
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar flow regime


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe at an uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux and for a hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped laminar fluid flow. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_laminar_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_laminar_KC
kc_laminar_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_laminar_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_laminar_KC

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_laminar_IN_con
Input record for function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​Utilities.​Records.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe (Input for straight pipe).


Diameterd_hydHydraulic diameter
HeatTransferBoundarytargetChoice of heat transfer boundary condition

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_laminar_IN_var
Input record for function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_laminar and kc_laminar_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall_IN_var (Input record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC).


SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecpSpecific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure
DynamicViscosityetaDynamic viscosity of fluid
ThermalConductivitylambdaThermal conductivity of fluid
DensityrhoDensity of fluid

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall flow regime| pressure loss dependence


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe at an uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux and for a hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall fluid flow with neglect or consideration of pressure loss influence. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_overall_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_overall
kc_overall_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_overall


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient
PrandtlNumberPrPrandtl number
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningful results

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall_KC
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux | hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall flow regime| pressure loss dependence


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe at an uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux and for a hydrodynamically developed or undeveloped overall fluid flow with neglect or consideration of pressure loss influence.See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_overall_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_overall_KC
kc_overall_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_overall_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_overall_KC

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall_IN_con
Input record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_turbulent_IN_con (Input record for function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC).


HeatTransferBoundarytargetChoice of heat transfer boundary condition
Diameterd_hydHydraulic diameter
RoughnessroughnessChoice of considering surface roughness
LengthKRoughness (average height of surface asperities)

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall_IN_var
Input record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​Utilities.​Records.​General.​FluidProperties (Base record for fluid properties).


SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecpSpecific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure
DynamicViscosityetaDynamic viscosity of fluid
ThermalConductivitylambdaThermal conductivity of fluid
DensityrhoDensity of fluid

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_turbulent
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow regime | pressure loss dependence


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe for a hydrodynamically developed turbulent fluid flow at uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux with neglecting or considering of pressure loss influence. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_turbulent_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_turbulent
kc_turbulent_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_turbulent


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient
PrandtlNumberPrPrandtl number
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningful results

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_turbulent_KC
Mean heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow regime | pressure loss dependence


Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe for a hydrodynamically developed turbulent fluid flow at uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux with neglecting or considering of pressure loss influence. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


kc_turbulent_IN_conIN_conInput record for function kc_turbulent_KC
kc_turbulent_IN_varIN_varInput record for function kc_turbulent_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_turbulent_KC

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_turbulent_IN_con
Input record for function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​Utilities.​Records.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe (Input for straight pipe).


Diameterd_hydHydraulic diameter
RoughnessroughnessChoice of considering surface roughness
LengthKRoughness (average height of surface asperities)

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_turbulent_IN_var
Input record for function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_turbulent and kc_turbulent_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_overall_IN_var (Input record for function kc_overall and kc_overall_KC).


SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecpSpecific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure
DynamicViscosityetaDynamic viscosity of fluid
ThermalConductivitylambdaThermal conductivity of fluid
DensityrhoDensity of fluid

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC
Local two phase heat transfer coefficient of straight pipe | horizontal or vertical boiling | horizontal condensation


Calculation of local two phase heat transfer coefficient kc_2ph for (horizontal/vertical) boiling or (horizontal) condensation for an overall flow regime. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).




CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcLocal two phase heat transfer coefficient

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC_IN_con
Input record for function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​Utilities.​Records.​HeatTransfer.​TwoPhaseFlowHT_IN_con (Base record for two phase heat transfer coefficient).


TwoPhaseHeatTransferTargettargetChoice of (horizontal/vertical) boiling or (horizontal) condensation in pipe
AreaA_crossCross sectional area
LengthperimeterWetted perimeter
MolarMass_gpmolMMMolar mass of fluid
Pressurep_critCritical pressure of fluid

Record Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​HeatTransfer.​StraightPipe.​kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC_IN_var
Input record for function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC


This record is used as input record for the heat transfer function kc_twoPhaseOverall_KC.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Dissipation.​Utilities.​Records.​HeatTransfer.​TwoPhaseFlowHT_IN_var (Base record for two phase heat transfer coefficient).


TwoPhaseHeatTransferTargettargetChoice of (horizontal/vertical) boiling or (horizontal) condensation in pipe
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecp_lSpecific heat capacity of liquid
ThermalConductivitylambda_lThermal conductivity of liquid
Densityrho_gDensity of gas
Densityrho_lDensity of liquid
DynamicViscosityeta_gDynamic viscosity of gas
DynamicViscosityeta_lDynamic viscosity of liquid
PressurepressureMean pressure of fluid
SpecificEnthalpydh_lgEvaporation enthalpy of fluid
MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate
HeatFluxqdot_AHeat flux at boiling
Realx_flowMass flow rate quality

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:29 EST by MapleSim.