
Examples based on a simple controlled drive with different ways to define the sampling

Package Contents


Simple controlled drive with continuous controller


Simple controlled drive with discrete textbook controller (period is not used in the controller)


Simple controlled drive with discrete controller (period is used in the controller)


Simple controlled drive with discrete controller and exact periodic clocks (period is used in the controller)


Simple controlled drive with discretized continuous-time controller


Simple controlled drive with discrete controller and simulated AD and DA effects


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This package shows the same example in different variants.

Model SimpleControlledDrive.Continuous is the continuous-time model from which the sampled-data versions are derived. The model consists of a reference controller ("ramp"), a feedback controller ("feedback" and "PI") and a plant ("torque", "load" and "speed"). The task of the controller is to control the speed of the load inertia using a simple PI controller.

The other example models under this package show different variants how the continuous-time model from above can be transformed to a periodic sampled-data system with one sample period.